Monday, October 03, 2005

Purpose Driven Life chapter 9

Chapter 9: What Makes God Smile?

Something to remember: The smile of God is the goal of your life.

Verse to remember: "Figure out what will please Christ, and then DO IT" Ephesians 5:10

The statement(s) that was the most impactful: God smiles when...

We love him supremely. We need to love HIM above EVERYONE and EVERYTHING else.

We trust him completely. Trusting God completely means having faith that he knows what is best for you. That is SO key! Trusting God is an act of worship.

We obey him wholeheartedly. If God tells us to do something we are not supposed to do PART of it, we need to obey his commands COMPLETELY and EXACTLY. Something that is very important is we need to NOT question what God wants us to do. If God asks you to do something, DO IT, dont be like "well why do you wnat me to do that"

We praise him and thank him continually. God smiles when we express our adoration and gratitude to him! When we give God enjoyment, our own hearts are filled with joy. I love that!

We use our abilities. God enjoys watching EVERY detail of your life. You dont bring glory or pleasure to God when you hide what you are good at.

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