Sunday, October 02, 2005

CIBC Run for the Cure

That was literally the BEST day!!!!!!!

It started off very tiring cuz I got up at 6:30 AM ON A SUNDAY! Ruth picked me up and we went to Scott road station and parked there and skytrained to Stadium. We got off and we got to stadium to sign in and there were A LOT of people there. We walked around, got some free stuff..there is A LOT of free stuff there. There was free food after the run too..but ill get there....

then there was the opening ceremonies, not so exciting cuz we just wanted to get running haha. but then there was a GOSPEL CHOIR singing! Thats how the run started, we were starting and they were singing us through i cant remember all the words but heres some "he lifts me higher and higher" so that was motivating right there. If i get tired throughout the walk, i just think who i am doing the run for: Janis Waller, Karyn's mom, and Angels grandma, and who gives me strength to do things like this and that gave me more motivation to keep going. I didnt get tired at all tho suprisingly. I have a HUGE bad blister on the bottom of my foot from wearing my semi-new shoes...but meh.. WELL worth it. We walked and there was a little boy with one of those rubber bracelet thingies and it said "be strong" and he was holding it up to us as we are walking by. that was cool. then the BEST part, we were walking over the granville street wait..cambie street bridge? the one closest to BC place stadium/...anyways....we looked down and there were literally THOUSANDS behind us still walking along... and there were THOUSANDS ahead of us. I looked ahead of me and everyone has those 'im running for' bibs on the back but i saw 2 and they were from CHSS (team cariboo hill secondary school) they were running for Janis... now we were walking up this bridge and we were nearing the end so i was getting a lil tired, but not too much, but seeing that just gave me more motivation to run. I just had to think of who i was doing this for and i just kept trudging on. It was an AMAZING experience that i will NEVER NEVER forget.. EVER! I had prayed for no rain and it didnt rain (until like 2 when i was home already THANK YOU LORD) but it was windy. but i love the wind. The wind reminds me of the Holy Spirit. You cant SEE it but you can FEEL it. I totally felt God's presence today.

I felt kinda bad that i missed this morning and then this evening, but i was just toooo tired. I came home, showered, got into pajamas (that Janis helped me make) and had a 3 hour nap with my kitty Miss Midnight. It was nice. I will probably write the purpose driven life blog tomorrow tho, i am very tired, im gonna go veg... i will read the, i might just blog it. YA Im gonna blog it!

Blessings to you all...

<3 Christine

Janis- that run was for you! I miss you! R.I.P!!

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