Monday, October 31, 2005

Purpose Driven Life chapter 37

Chapter 37: Sharing your Life Message

Something to remember: God has given you a Life Message to share!

Verses to remember: "[God] does not want anyone to be lost, but he wants all people to change their hearts and lives"2 Peter 3:9

Something that was impactful: This chapter is very impactful on me as i said in the other chapter, i am trying to reach my friend Crystal. She needs Jesus, i am still trying to work up the ambition to actually TELL her about how my life has changed. But i think she would think that i am weird. I am trying to get her to come to church tho! Then I can show her why i beleive what i believe.

I need to share my testimony with people. I need to tell people HOW i began my relationship with Jesus!

I need to share my life lessons. I need to show what GOd has taught me.

I need to share my godly passions. I need to tell people the things that i am passionate about because of God.

I need to share the Good News! I need to share the message of salvation!!!

I am going to write my testimony and try to post it later. I have never written my testimony. When i became a soldier i didnt have to read or write my testimony cuz i was too shy to speak. But now i think i could probably do it. My life has changed dramatically. I am a much more confident person.

If you know even ONE person who doesnt know Christ. Continue to pray for them. serve them in love and share the good news with them. I must keep reaching out. I must save one more for Jesus.

The pot luck lunch is a great opportunity to reach out to people. My friend's dad is coming to church because there is a lunch afterwords. I have talked to my friend and she might come too. I must use every opportunity that God gives me to reach out to non believers. Ask yourself this:

Is anyone going to be in heaven because of me?

I want to be member of God's family, a model of his character, a magnifier of his glory, a minister of his grace. I am still learning these things.

We only have a short time to share the Good News, so use every opportunity that you can to fulfill your mission.


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