Friday, October 21, 2005

Purpose Driven Life chapter 25

Chapter 25: Transformed by Trouble

Something to Remember: God has a purpose behind every problem.

Verse to Remember: "Don't be bewildered or surprising when you go through the fiery trials ahead, for this is no strange, unusual thing that is going to happen to you."1 Peter 4:12

Statement that was most impactful: Its like the song "Blessed be your name" he gives and takes away from us but we need to still praise his name, whether we are going through a tough time or a great time (such as i am now) To become like Christ, we need to go through what he went through. its the only way we will become like him. God uses problems to draw us closer to him. Its so true. Think about it, when you are going through a rough time, u tend to talk to him more, and ask him to take away the problem (hopefully you have the faith to believe that he CAN take the problems away) Rick Warren says that "Your most profound and intimate experiences of worship will likely be in your darkest days." Its so true. I find that too, in fact when i am going through a rough time, i cry. when i am happy, i sometimes cry too.. like when i came to the revelation that i was being so stupid for not relying on him more, i cried. In fact i am thinking that i am pretty stupid for not doing that MORE STILL!!

How do i respond to problems then??

Remember that God's plan is good. Always remember that God's plan is good no matter if you think it is or not.

Rejoice and give thanks!! Thank you Lord for you provide! I believe YOU gave my mom that credit card! I believe that u sent it to her in order for her to help us to be healthy again (by getting groceries) I believe that U sent that credit card to help us get out of debt! We are out of debt and I thank you Lord, we were in debt for FAR TO LONG. And you provided a way out! You are TRULY TRULY AWESOME FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!

Refuse to give up! That is so important. Hard times come in your life you shouldnt crawl in a hole and not come out. get out of that hole and LIVE LIFE!!!!!! Dont give up! Keep striving for a happy God filled life. BE PATIENT AND PERSISTANT!!! my mom was VERY persistant. She prayed for 6 months straight for this certain amount!! She was persistant, she never gave up!!!! She said she was a little impatient, but she did not give up!

Thanks God!!!!!!!! YAY!!! I am so happy right now!!!!!!

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