Monday, October 17, 2005


k im trying to interprete this dream, it made no sense:

I am at the elementry school i went to, but i am out of high school but my old best friend from elementary school is there cuz she is in grade 5 now, even tho she stopped school at grade 10. THEN we hugged cuz we reunited, but then we went to wait for the bus, her bus came picked her up. Then i was sitting with someone i didnt know and i was waiting for the opposite bus. it came but didnt stop to pick us up. it went by. then 5 minutes later another came by didnt stop. then 5 minutes later ANOTHER one came by and it didnt stop either. I dont know whether this dream has meaning or whether it was meaningless..i duno..

I would update the purpose driven life stuff, btu i havent finished the readings up to today, so i need to work on my paper for school instead and i have to arrange a ride to and from school too cuz apparently the transit might be on strike...



Ginger Ale said...

I think it means that even though your friend droped out of school in grade 10, maybe you feel that she is going somewhere and you're not. that's probablly why the bus keeps passing you by, like you're staying in the same place not going anywhere in life.

Christine said...

But i AM going somewhere MJ, i am going to school to become something i am passionate about. I am going to school to help people. I feel that is going somewhere. I have heard that she is NOT going anywhere in life. I am going places, i am not just staying home and being lazy, i am doing something with my life. I am going to school! :( do you think i am going nowhere with my life?