Tuesday, October 04, 2005

God's direction

Have you ever sat at the VERY front seat of the new Millenium skytrains at night time? There is only a few feet of light ahead of you and the rest is darkness..... ever feel uneasy about not knowing what lies ahead? I sure have. Much like being in the front seat, there is darkness ahead of you, you are sure of what is coming soon (the skytrain station) you know where you are going( the skytrain station) but you dont know what is going to happen between the time of getting on the skytrain and getting off at the skytrain destination. but i just need to trust that nothing is going to happen between that time.

Its much like my christian walk. I am not always sure of what lies ahead, its pretty much darkness. But if i trust God, then i wont be so uneasy about my journey. I know that i am going to Heaven at the end, but i am unsure of issues that arise on the ride to the end destination. that is when i need to trust God more and more and then i wont be so uneasy about not knowing what lies ahead!


mee-shell said...


What an awesome blog. And very encouraging as well - totally makes sense and is an awesome illistration of how our walk with God can be...

Bless you!
Michelle :)

Ginger Ale said...


Christine said...

hehe thanks MJ and Michelle!

from- the sneeze lady LOL!!!

Karyn Baker said...

Hey, great blog, Christine - those are some deep thoughts. Keep it up! These are the kind of blogs I really like to read!