Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Purpose Driven Life chapter 17 and 18

Chapter 18: Experiencing Life together

Something to remember: Life is meant to be shared!

Verse to remember: "As holy people be sympathetic, kind, humble, gentle and patient" Colossians 3:12

The statement(s) that was the most impactful: Life is meant to be shared! I agree with that because in order to have great relationships with people, we need to go through tough times together to get close. Just the other day, my friend was very upset, she was crying and that made me cry. She was telling me all these things taht are going on in her life right now and it made me cry just seeing her so sad. This is one of my best friends, and i think the reason why she is my best friend isnt just because we have lots in common but because we have been through some rough times. We have had many fights...MANY fights and we have got through them. I still believe in that quote "What doesnt kill you only makes you stronger" and since we didnt call off teh friendship, these little fights in the past have brought us closer together in a sense. And she is my BEST friend! Besides God, she is my BEST friend and seeing your best friend upset and them telling you these problems they are having, means they are sharing with you!

Fellowshipping should be in a small group, not a big one, but not just one person. Its easier to get to know one another in a small group.

In real fellowship people experience authenticity. Its so true, when i am in a big group, i dont want to show the "real me" because i am afraid of what people will say. And when you are with a group you tend to just "chit-chat" as Rick puts it. But authentic fellowship is so much more than that. Its getting to know each other and having heart-to-heart talks and sharing stuff! "Real fellowship happens when people get honest about who they are and what is happening in their lives."(page 140)

In real fellowship people experience mutuality. When you are in a small group you tend to give more.

In real fellowship people experience sympathy. Sympathy is so important. If all you do is give advice, thats not really gonna help. YOu need to be sympathetic to what is going on in hte persons life. You need to validate their feelings and understand what they are going through.

In real fellowship people experience mercy. You need to be forgiving. When you are hurt by someone, choose to show mercy and forgive them instead of just making the situation worse. and TALK TO THE PERSON. If you are hurt by someone TALK TO THEM, dont go to anyone else to do it! Hey Im LEARNING :)

One final thing to remember: We were created for community!!

Chapter 17: A Place to Belong

Something to remember: You are called to belong, not just believe. That is so important, because ok you go to church, but you dont feel really welcome there or you dont 'fit in' with the crowd at church, thats not right. We need to make everyone in the church feel that they belong.

Verse to remember: "Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." 1 John 3:16

The statement(s) that was the most impactful: The church is a body not a building and not an organization. As a good friend of mine always says "when the service is over, the church has left the building" Its true, we are the church, not the building we worship in.

A church identifies you as a genuine believer: When we are together, we are the body of Christ, not when we are seperated.

A church family moves you out of self-centred isolation: "Biblical fellowship is being as committed to each other as we are to Jesus Christ. God expects us to give our lives for each other."(page 133)

A church family helps you develop spiritual muscle: If you just come to service and just spectate the service, you will never spiritually mature. YOu need to PARTICIPATE to grow! Its like when you are a little baby learning to crawl. If you just WATCH other kids crawl, you will never start crawling yourself unless you participate in the learning process.

The Body of Christ needs you: You may think "man i dont have anything to offer to the church" you are wrong. EVERYONE has something to offer. If your gift is stacking chairs, then stack chairs. If it is greeting people at the door, then greet people at the door! USE YOUR GIFTS!

You will share in Christ's mission in the world: We arent called to just love other believers, we are called to love THE WORLD just as Christ did!

A church family will help keep you from backsliding: We have the church body to encourage us. If we are happier, we feel closer to God for some reason. Thats just the way it happens, things are going great in your life so you are happy with God, but if things aren't going so great you are mad with God.

We need to be attached to one church family. I am having trouble with this one because I have been going to CHT for 10 years, and I have just felt these last few years that I dont feel a part of the corps anymore. I dont feel really welcome at the church, i think people have noticed that too because I have been going to NW lately. even before the purpose driven life weeks. I am planning on making NW my church family! I have been praying about this to see if it is God's will.

mmm something smells very yummy haha.. well lunch time, bye!!


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