Monday, October 17, 2005

Purpose Driven Life chapter 19

Chapter 19: Cultivating Community

Something to remember: Community requires commitment.

Verses: "An honest answer is a sign of true friendship" Proverbs 24:26

Something that was impactful:

Cultivating community takes honesty. You need to love each other enough to be honest with them. I am learning in class that you cant say what the clints want to hear, you need to tell them what they need to hear. You may worry that they may not like you, but would you rather not tell someone the truth and they go and do something stupid or would you rather save them from stupidity by being honest. Remember though, when you confront someone, do it in love, use thoughtFUL words instead of thoughtLESS words. Rick quotes that "when conflict is handled correctly, we grow closer to each other" I agree.

Cultivating community takes humility. Rick says that "pride builds walls; humility builds bridges" wow this statement got me --> we recieve God's grace by humbly admitting that we need it. WOW!!! When we live a prideful live, we are living opposite to what God wants. God wants us to live humble lives.

Ways to develop humility: admit your weakness, be patient with other's weaknesses, be open to correction, ad most important: point the spotlight on others.

Rick quotes that "humility is not thinking less of yourself; its thinking of yourself less."

Cultivating community takes courtesy! Our others needs/comfort before yours. I've been learning more about that lately (thanks Karyn) You need to be courteous to those EGR people (Extra Grace Required) The Bible says " be devoted to each other like a loving family. Excel in showing respect for each other"Romans 12:10 We ALL have things that others find annoying, but that doesnt matter. We dont have to be compatible with each other. we all are a family of God;s and thats the most important thing.

Cultivating community takes confidentiality. This is something we have been talking about lately too: gossip. Gossip causes so many problems. They cause people to be hurt, friendships to be ruined. All because someone wouldnt keep a closer reign on their tongue. As i keep reading, it says that we sometimes disguise gossip as a prayer request! OUCH!

Cultivating community takes frequency. We NEED to not stop meeting with the members of the church community.

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