Thursday, October 20, 2005

another dream

K.... i had another disturbing dream last night...

I was at NW church for refuge and i give my youth pastor an encouragement card and she asks me why i do these. I said cuz i like to make people happy. and she told me that i should stop donig them because they cost way too much money and nobody likes them anyways. Now i know this was Satan talking and not my youth pastor because my youth pastor would never say such a thing. So i started crying very very badly and my best friend came over and thats when i woke up....


Karyn Baker said...

Hey, Christine - definitely the enemy - pray it through and don't worry about it any more. Ask God if He wants you to know anything specific about it. And you're right, I would never say such things.... By the way, it truly is Day 25 - you missed last Tuesday....

Karyn Baker said...

No wait, I mean it's Day 26....what? Check Captain Dave's blog - he's right on.

Ginger Ale said...

What's up with dreams lately.... Ever since I found out one of my spiritual gifts was interperting dreams so many people have had crazy dreams... weird.... I'll ask God what this dream means and get back to you...

Ginger Ale said...

It means that there might be a fear of rejection somewhere in your life that you have to face.... dude

Christine said...

duuuuuuuude!! That is so true! Thanks MJ!

Ginger Ale said...

All glory to God!!