Monday, October 24, 2005

Purpose Driven Life chapter 30

Chapter 30: Shaped for serving God

Something to remember: You were shaped to serve God.

Verse to Remember: "We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which he prepared in advance for us to do" Ephesians 2:10

Something that was impactful:
Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual gifts were not given to you for your benifit. God gave them to you for everyone elses' benefit!

Your Heart reveals the REAL you, not what others think of you. This is what our PASSION is..well Its another word for Heart. Whatever experiences bring you to tears or situations that make you cry. In my situation, it makes me cry when i think of all the animals that get abandoned, abused, neglected and are homeless. it makes me so sad to know that there are 44 cats in our company (some in foster homes) there is around 20 in the small shelter. They need homes and it makes me very sad to know that some are just not ready for forever homes because they were treated so badly. It makse me sad to know that people would neglect their cats and treat them so badly. Some come in cuz people develop allergies but some come in with like their RIBS showing, and malnutritioned and starving pretty much and some like Suzie, is fat so she wasnt neglected that way, but people just didnt like her cuz of her attitude problem at that time, shes better now but ya. It makes me sad when people treat other people/animals horribly! Everyone's heart is different.

God wants us to serve him passionatly not dutifully. Which means we need to serve him with the feeling of delight not duty.

So whatever you enjoy doing, do it for the glory of God.


God works through different men [and women] in different ways, but it is the same God who achieves his purposes through them all. ~1 Corinthians 12:6

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