Sunday, October 30, 2005

My Longing

I was in the prayer room on friday night and i was just totally reading my bible and soaking in everything i was reading. I ended up writing a poem:

My Longing:

Father I long for you
In this dry and barren land
Lead me through this desert place
Lord take me by the hand

Take me by the hand, dear Lord
and show me all your ways
Show me the way to your kingdom Father
I long for it everyday

I long to be loved by you, my God
I long for it so much I cry
I will forever praise your name, oh Lord
Because I am yours and you are mine!

Its not a great poem. But MJ wanted me to post it. So here it is. :)



mee-shell said...

wow - what a beautiful poem! i love it...

michelle :)

Ginger Ale said...

What??? That Poem was awsome!! Man you got skills.....

Karyn Baker said...

I like it, Christine - so I am expecting that you'll share it on Sunday night at the Hill? I might just stand up and ask you to, so be prepared! :):):) xoxo

Christine said...

WHAT?!?!?!?! ahhhhhh

Christine said...

oh oh oh!! What if i "forget" it at home?? ahaha

Anonymous said...

I'll make sure you don't leave it at home!! wahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Christine said...

and how r u going to do that?? EH!? LOL