Thursday, October 27, 2005


I am not going to school tonight, as i am sick. The drugs that they gave me i guess gave me a reaction, because i am very sick. I am so nauseous, the whole lovely bit. anyways. So i am sitting here writing prayers. Here they are... they arent that great. but God doesnt care right?

A Prayer for the Plans for my Life
I see that you know the plan for my life
And with every problem has a purpose
To shape me, to mold me
To guide my every step
To help me help others with their needs or struggles
To bring you glory, not to lift me up.
You deserve my best, oh Lord
And my best you will definitely get.
I will praise you for every circumstance
Praise you, Praise you Father

A Prayer for My Purpose
I was planned for Gods pleasure
I was formed for his family
Help me Lord to bring you glory
In all I do, in every single way

I was created to be like Christ
I was shaped to serve Him and others
I realize that I will serve my God
By giving service to my sisters and brothers

I was made for a mission.
In my life there is a plan
Every problem in my life has a purpose
I will forever lift my hand to you, you’re THE MAN

A Prayer of Praise
I will praise you through the good times and bad
No matter what may come
I will love you through every circumstance
To your arms, Lord I will run,

For you are a faithful and loving God
Who never leaves us ever
Though we may run away from you
Lord, you are always there!

I am sorry Lord for the days that I don’t hear you
I now realize that it’s not you who doesn’t speak
It’s me who does not listen,
Lord forgive me for I am very weak!

I now know that you speak all the time
Whether I listen or not is another story
I need to open my ears more frequently
So I can hear what you have to say

Im done, i think tomorrow i will write in my blog about the 40 days of purpose because i am nauceous and ineed to rest, even tho i should be doing homework.. nah im gonna do homework, it needs to be done. and just because i am sick and having stomach problems (cramping) doesnt mean that i shoudlnt get work done!

Blessings everyone...

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