Monday, October 17, 2005

Purpose Driven Life chapter 23

Chapter 23: How we grow

Something to remember: God wants us to grow up! AMEN!

Verse to remember: "Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think." Romans 12:2b

The statement(s) that was the most impactful: God wants us to be spiritually mature! You must WANT to be spiritually mature tho. You need to be committed to becoming spiritually mature.

God's part and your part. being Christlike is making Christlike choices!! SO important. If someone is mean to you, dont be mean back. Think like Christ! What would Jesus do? TURN THE OTHER CHEEK! God's spirit works WITH us not just in us.

Changing your autopilot. Change the way you think! again, if someone is mean to you and you used to lash back at them, DONT. Change the way you think! Rick quotes that the way we think determines the way we feel and the way we feel influences the way we act! WOW it is SO true! If i think that i am sick, i will feel sick and then if i feel sick i will just be lazy! but if i THINK i am not sick, i will not feel sick anymore and i wont let anything get in my way of getting stuff accomplished in the day!

Remember this one thing:

Christianity is not a religion or philosophy, but a relationship and a lifestyle! <--- we need to remember that its not something to be taken lightly! Christianity is SERIOUS BUSINESS PEOPLE :D


Karyn Baker said...

WHAT???? I thought today was chapter 22. Ah, nuts.....

Christine said...

i might be wrong...i dont know lol

sorry to freak you out aha

Karyn Baker said...

Nope - today (Wednesday) is now chapter 25! Who's a little behind now? :) (And yes, I'm all caught up....)

Ginger Ale said...

What nuts?? I'm 5 days behind...I suck.... oh cheeseball

Inquistive sentiment said...

i thought it was chapter 24... I am so confused!

Christine said...

how do you figure that its chapter 25.... its SO chapter 24!! we started the first reading on the 25th of september.... on the 25th of this month we will be on chapter 30.... its 8 days before that... 19-day24 20-day25 21-day26 22-day27 23-day28 24-day29 25-day30

:) i worked it out