Monday, October 17, 2005

Purpose Driven Life chapter 20

Chapter 20: Restoring broken fellowship

Something to remember: Relationships are always worth restoring.

Verse to remember: "I'll put it as urgently as i can: you must get along with each other" 1st Corinthians 1:10

The statement(s) that was the most impactful: Currently i am writing a philosophy paper...well not eright now..but for school and we need to write 3 values and how they link to leisure, but surprisingly i didnt put relationships. I put God, friendship and community. but i guess friendship is a relationship and in a way so is community ad come to think of is God. If you want to be known as a child of god, you must learn to be a peacemaker..aha i almost wrote peachmaker aha.

How do i restore a relationship?

Talk to God before talking to the person. Pray about it. Tell him your frustrations, cry out to hi,. He will never be surprised or upset by your anger, hurt, insecurity, or any other emotions.

Always take the initiative. God expects you to make the first move. Dont procrastinate, just talk to them.

Sympathize with their feelings. use your ears. focus on hteir feelings, not the fact. begin with sympathy not solutions.

Confess your part of the conflicts. if you are serious about restoring a relationship, you should begin with admitting your own mistakes or sin.

Attack the problem not the person. In resolving conflict, how you say it is as important as what you say. When you are talking to the person you are having issues with, dont use harmful words.

Cooperate as much as possible. Live at peace with everyone

Emphasize reconcilitation, not resolution. You dont need to agree about everything. you need to "agree to disagree" Rick quotes that Reconciliation focuses on the relationship while resolution focuses on the problem.

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