Saturday, October 22, 2005

Purpose Driven Life chapter 28

Chapter 28: It takes time

Something to Remember: There is no shortcuts to maturity.

Verse to Remember: "Everything on earth has its own time and its own season" Ecclesiastes 3:1

Statement that was most impactful: You will not become spiritually mature in a day. that just will not happen. It takes time. The reason it takes so long to be fully spiritually mature is because we are slow learners. God throws something at us and we have to go through it so many times to actually GET it.... to LEARN FROM IT!. We have a lot to unlearn. The world has got so much bad stuff in our heads and it takes a whle to get them out of your head. its like my new Christian friends. They listened to Eminem. they knew every single lyric and its taking a while to get them out of their head. We are afraid to humbly face the truth about ourselves. Growth is often painful and scary.. AMEN! Habits take time to develop. That goes with the Unlearning one. it takes a while to learn them and even longer to unlearn.

Rick says that while you are maturing there are several ways to cooperate with God in the process. You need to believe God is working in your life even when you dont feel it. Keep a notebook or journal of lessons learned. I do that..sorta... i will do it more tho! And be patient with God and with yourself. Dont get mad at yourself for nnot being mature. We need to realize that it takes time. and finally dont get discouraged that you are not mature yet. Rick said something very impactful " Remember how far you have come, not just how far you have to go" Wow...that is so impactful i have tears in my eyes. I was so bad when i was younger. I didnt take Christianity seriously, i let people have a bad influence on me. I stole... I swore SO much. I was a bad kid. I have come SO far from that bad kid. Mind you i do still have A LOT of growing to do, but I have come a long way from that horrible kid. AMEN! Thank you Jesus for coming in my life. I would have been dead long ago if i didnt have you! PRAISE YOU!!

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