Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Purpose Driven Life chapter 24

Chapter 24: Transformed by Truth

Something to Remember: The Truth transforms us

Verse to Remember: "In humble spirit, recieve and welcome the Word which implanted and rooted in your hearts contains the power to save your souls." James 1:21b

Statement that was most impactful: To be transformed by truth you must accept his authority, assimilate its truth (God's word), and Apply its principles. Those are all pretty straightforward. If u say you want to be like Christ, you need to live according to the bible! Rick says that "many who claim to believe the bible from cover to cover have never read it from cover to cover" because if u did, you would have many questions and you might not believe everything... I will admit i havent read the Bible from cover to cover, and i know that when i do, there will be things that i dont beleve in there and will wnat to question God about.

To abide in the truth you need to recieve the word, read the word, research, remember it and reflect on it. So important... all of those are very important. We must be DOERS on the word not just readers of the word.

Try to think of something that God already told you in his word that you havent started doing yet?

now i have to say something very very creepy weird. I was writinfg my blogs in my notebook (i blogged them before deciding to write them down) andi was refering to October 7th's blog and i had finished writing the paragraph about "blessed be your name" and then RIGHT after and i mean RIGHT after i finished writing the last word from that paragraph, the song came on the radio! Thank you Lord for conformation! WOOO!!! My day was pretty hectic today, but that just made it so much better remembering! WOO :D

I gotta go do homework now. oh did u guys hear that the busses will be rallying on friday so no transit!!!! POO POO!!!! I Thank God for my mom, or else i wouldnt be able to get to work! or to the mall after to buy groceries that we desperatly need!

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