Sunday, October 30, 2005

Purpose Driven Life chapter 36

Chapter 36: Made for a mission

Something to remember: You were made for a mission.

Verse to remember: "God has given us the privelege of urging everyone to come into his favor and be reconciled to him" 2 Corinthians 5:18

Something that was impactful: This morning was very impactful! I was called to Evangelize to my friends. I kept seeing a picture of my friend Crystal all throughout today. Still am. When i was called to evangelize, she kept popping up in my head. i need to evangelize to her. It is very hard! I got frustrated when God kept showing me her picture. And i cried because it is very hard for me to try to get her out to church and youth group because she said its not for her. I want her to come out to church. i love her and it is frustrating me very much that i want to help her so much, but its hard. Its really difficult. I am praying through it but its just really hard. This is my weakness, i get frustrated easily. But i am not giving up. I am not saying i am giving up but its just really hard.

My mission is a contunuation of Jesus' mission on earth. Show people how great God is!!!!!!!!!! He is such a great God and if you have him in your life you would be a much happier person! I definitly am a happier person because i have him. I have my moments of feeling far from him but i always come running back to his arms. He always pulls me out of the pit! ALWAYS! We need NEED to tell others! if we dont we are basically telling the world to go to hell. That is so powerful! If we dont tell the world, they wont know, and they wont think we care because we are basically telling them to go to hell.

My mission is a wonderful privilege. I feel that it is an honor to be used by God! I feel it an honor that God is calling me to evangelize to my friends!

Telling others how they can have eternal life is the greatest thing you can do for them. Again, if you dont you are telling them to go to hell.

Your mission has eternal significance. It will affect others' eternal destiny! Nothing that i do ever will be as important as saving one more for Jesus! What i dont understand, there is a church down the street from us that is an "Evangelical Free' church. tahts what its called. I dont udnerstand how that works.

Your mission gives your life meaning. I love that. I have a meaning! I need to live a purpose drive life!

God's timetable for history's conclusion is connected to the completion of our comission. when we have done our part, thats when Jesus will come back i beleive. When our mission is complete he will come back!

it will cost a lot to fulfill my mission. It may cost us a lot, but God will pay us back A HUNDRED TIMES more! !! !

I HAVE TO SAVE ONE MORE FOR JESUS!!!!! We must care about what God cares about! I have to save one more for Jesus!!!!!!!!

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