Sunday, October 30, 2005

Purpose Driven Life chapter 35

Chapter 35: God's Power in Your Weakness

Something to remember: God loves to use weak people.

Verse to remember: "God purposely chose..what the world considers weak in order to shame the powerful" 1 Corinthians 1:27

Something that was impactful: Karyn said this morning that if you think yuou are perfect, you have a flaw. or something like that. But she was basically saying that if you think you are perfect, you are flawed for thinking that because we all know that NOBODY is perfect on this earth. The only person who is perfect is God! Everyone has their weaknesses. Think about it, everyone has something food wise that they shouldnt have but always want, mine is popcorn. For some people it is chocolate. I dont think anyone can say that they dont have a weakness for a certain food. So nobody can say that they dont have a weakness anywhere in their lives. EVERYONE has something that we dont like about ourselves whether its physical, emotional intelectual or spiritual. But God can use our weaknesses. But we need to admit that we have weaknesses before God can use them to help others. And you need to be content that u have that weakness. It is hard, i know. but we need to.

There are several ways that Paul says that we should be content with out weakness. It helps us to depend on God. That is so important. When we feel weak thats when we need to depend on God. when you are feeling physically weak or faint and you are going to fall, there is hopefully a friend to catch you when you fall. thats what God wants to do, when we feel faint or weak God wants to lift us back up!

Our weakness prevents arrogance! It helps us to stay humble.

Our weakness also encourages fellowship between believers. Things that we cant do help us realize how much we need each other. I love this quote that says " Christians, like snowflakes, are frail, but when they stick together they can stop traffic" wow!

Our weaknesses will also increase our capacity for sympathy and ministry. He used so many people like Gideon, Moses, Habbikuk to help people even tho they said they have a weakness

We need to honestly share our weakness. Share it with a friend! leave yourself vulnerable to different problems that might come our way.

Glory in our weakness. God turns our strengths into a weakness to make us more effective to help others.

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