Friday, November 16, 2007

Food for Thought

Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand firm."


Thursday, November 01, 2007

Walking by Faith

Wow, I am such a slacker..very is what GOd taught me over the weekend:

I need to walk by faith and not by sight.

Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the assurance of the things hoped for, and the convictions of things not seen"

My mom and I went to Spokane Washington over the weekend to go see a friend and get a private dance lesson with him. Best decision I made, because he is a fantastic dancer and teacher. I learned a lot of useful things.

Anyways, our appointment was for 7pm and we had left at 8am thinking we were giving ourselves enough time. We didn't take into account that there would be a 2 hour wait at the border. On the way to Spokane (once we got past the border) we were thinking we weren't going to make it for 7pm. So I called the studio and switched my appointment with the couple that were going at 8.

We were listening to my iPod through a digital radio thing, but we were losing signal and I couldn't find a signal for it for about an hour, so I took it off and listened to the radio. We were surfing the channels when we came across a radio station and it was playing this song:

Walk by Faith- Jeremy Camp

Would I believe you when you would say
Your hand will guide my every way
Will I receive the words You say
Every moment of every day

Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me

Help me to win my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I do
yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah, ya

Well I'm broken- but I still see Your face
Well You've spoken- pouring Your words of grace

Well hallelujah, hallelu
(I will walk by faith)
Well hallelujah, hallelu
(I will walk by faith)

I will walk, I will walk, I will walk by faith
I will, I will, I will walk by faith

I looked up to heaven and said "very funny". God has a tendency to do that at the best moments. As we were worrying about whether we would be there on time, I was reminded to have faith. Have faith in God to get us there on time and have faith in God that everything would work out for the best.

Turns out we got there at 5:30. So we hung out at the hotel for about an hour, then went to Northgate Mall and shopped and then went to the studio to see Benji. We could have still got our lesson at 7, but we had already switched, so we decided to spend half and hour at the mall instead. But we were there for our 8pm appointment.

If we walk by faith, everything will work out and we don't have to worry about anything. Worrying doesn't get you anywhere.

Be Blessed! :)

Friday, September 07, 2007

We Are Not Lost!

I was listening to Michael Buble this evening as I was having a much needed relaxing bubble bath! I was listening to a song that him and Jann Arden wrote together called "Lost" and I was getting a sense of God singing this song to me. Look at these lyrics:

"Life can show no mercy
It can tear your soul apart
It can make you feel like you've gone crazy
But you're not
Though things have seemed to changed
There's one thing that's still the same
In my heart you have remained
And we can fly fly fly away

'Cause you are not alone
I'm always there with you
And we'll get lost together
Till the light comes pouring through
'Cause when you feel like you're done
And the darkness has won
Babe, you're not lost
When your world's crashing down
And you can't bear the cross
I said, babe, you're not lost"
I just let those words wash over me and I am feeling so encouraged
and hopeful! We aren't lost!God is always with us, and we are
always on his heart and his mind! He thinks about us all the time.
When you are feeling lost, take a look at this song and the lyrics,
and just let God wash those lyrics over you and feel encouraged!

You are NOT lost! :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Body of Christ

Why is it that we go to church, if all we do is sit there, not listen to the sermon and then go off on our way and do exactly what the sermon was preaching us NOT to do.

Why is it that someone speaks about not gossiping or cutting your friends down, or swearing, or not being a good Christ-like example, that we go straight out of church and do exactly that. I experienced that last week. Thing is, if I try to tell them we shouldn't talk about so and so or shouldn't be saying certain things, I get called "holier than thou". Is there a way of saying it, that will not result in that being said? Granted I am NOT perfect AT ALL, but I am working on myself, but when I even try to help my friends by saying that we shouldn't talk about certain things I get called that or it just doesn't stop.

Now the question is: Do I seperate myself from the group? Or continue to try to help them realize what they are doing. I love all my friends dearly, but I hate seeing the negativity, and the gossip, and the anger and so on and so forth.

Jesus was perfect and so when he was with people such as these he wasn't brought down and they listened to him. But what about a regular person like myself who is with sin (of course, who isn't?) who is trying to change?

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Firstly, very sorry for the lack of blogging. I will try to blog more.

A few weeks back I was at Worship team rehearsal (I go with my brother early because he does sound) and they started to sing a song called "King of Glory" the words that sparked were "I've come to give myself in total abandonment". My pastor was sitting there and he said that he didn't really like those lyrics. I asked him why he didn't like the lyrics and he said that its because not a lot of people really TRULY know what it is to give oursselves in abandonment. It really made me think. What DOES it mean to abandon ourselves fully to God and his will?

FIrstly I looked up the definition in the dictionary and here is what I found:

1. to leave completely and finally; forsake utterly; desert: to abandon one's farm; to abandon a child; to abandon a sinking ship.
2. to give up; discontinue; withdraw from: to abandon a research project; to abandon hopes for a stage career.
3. to give up the control of: to abandon a city to an enemy army.
4. to yield (oneself) without restraint or moderation; give (oneself) over to natural impulses, usually without self-control: to abandon oneself to grief.

We are called to leave our former lives behind us and live life with Christ. We are called to stop doing the bad things we are doing and follow Christ. We are called to give up the things in our lives that hinder our relationship with Christ.

I like number 3 and it is definitly a hard one that many people (including myself) struggle with "To Give up the control of". Not give up SOME control.....ALL control.... We are called to give control over to God because he knows what's best for us. Jeremiah 29:11 " For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." We may think that the plans that we have for ourselves are good, but they will fall through, because if they are not God's plans for us, they are not meant to be.

That is just my two cents for today. :) Thoughts are welcome!

Thursday, June 28, 2007


This isn't much because I am tired, more tired than usual, but this was a slap in the face when I got this in my inbox today..this was the quote of the day:

"Sin is a clenched fist and its object is the face of God."

Sunday, June 17, 2007


This is sort of a venting blog, so if you don't want to read a venting blog or if you get offended easily, please don't read this....

Ok...when someone goes missing, why is it that everyone makes their own assumptions as to what has happened without knowing all the facts? Why do people think that they know what happened when nobody really knows what happened...

Does God call us to judge others? No..... Does God want us to make assumptions about people? No.... So why do people do it?

So if you want to make an assumption, think twice...get all the facts first before saying anything. Don't just make a snap judgment about a situation until you have all the facts!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Love God with all your Weakness

We are called to love God with "all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind" Luke 10:27. We have to love God with everything we have, even if it is our weakest point. In order to love God with all our strength, we have to admit that we are weak. We have to acknowledge that God is the source of our strength and that without him we are weak and can do nothing. "I am the vine, you are the branches, if a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me he can do nothing." John 15:5. We need to totally depend on him, and allow his strength to work through us. God WANTS us to rely on our own strength so that we will start to rely on HIS strength alone.

Just imagine the things we could do if we relied on God's strength and not our own. We can move MOUNTAINS! Isn't that cool? Just imagine that! We can love people who you deem "unloveable" because in God's eyes everyone is loveable. THAT is only done on God's strength. If we rely on our own strength, we cannot love those who are unloveable because lets face it, we are humans. We make mistakes. But if we rely on God to help us with that, then anything is possible because "All things are possible with God who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13.

It does not happen in one day though. It takes little steps of faith. Start small and work your way up and you will be so happy! It is a lifelong journey, but will be so worth it in the end! The willingness to rely on him is a step of faith right there.

Remember this: We can't love God wholeheartedly until we rely on God's strength because we can't do it on our own strength.

So here is a question for you, and I must ask it myself too.... How dependant am I on God each day? Do I rely on him for everything or do I move independantly of him a lot?

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Prayer needed please ASAP

Brian Braumberger was last seen early Thursday by a friend who spoke to him in a New Westminster church parking lot on 8th Avenue.

Braumberger drove away after saying he had to work in the morning and was going home.

The next day, police found his vehicle abandoned in a parking lot in the 7500 block of Cumberland. It was towed and a message left for Braumberger at his parents' home.

They later called police and said their son had never made it to work on Friday and it was not like him to leave his vehicle unattended.

Braumberger is white, clean shaven, with brown hair and eyes. He stands about six feet and weighs 185 pounds.

He was last seen wearing a black T-shirt, shorts and white Adidas runners with no laces.

If you have any information, please contact the Burnaby RCMP at 604-294-7922.

On a side note, I had no idea that Bryan's mom is Janice, a lady who goes to the dance class that I go to, so not only did I go to high school with him, but I know his mother and I know that she is feeling devestated that this has happened. So please keep Bryan's family and friends in your prayers as well as praying for his safe return home.

Thank you very much! God Bless

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Sorry this is a long one...but well worth the read

I was watching an old episode of House on TV was about a nun who mysteriously got this rash and an allergic reaction...and it turned out that she was allergic to something that was in her body (I wont say what because it would ruin the ending of the episode for you guys aha) but at one segment when they still hadn't found what was wrong..but she was quarentined in a sterolized room, and Dr Chase was in there talking with her and she asked if the nuns could come in and pray with her...and Dr Chase said that they couldn't come in because they were trying to find out what her bad allergy was so they weren't aloud he said he would pray with her. He then proceeded to tell her that he went to..shoot..I can't remember hte name of it...not a monostary...the other thing..for catholic men..well anyways...irrelevant... but she asked him what his favourite verse was..and he said

"These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world." 1 Peter 1:7

That verse really got me thinking...cuz I am feeling very attacked by the enemy this week....I just started my new job at Goodall Rubber and I love it, however, I am not learning stuff as fast as I would like to and therefore feel very incompetant. I am constantly having to ask my trainer what to do next with this or how do I do I realize that I have only worked there 3 days and I will be able to pick it up and I will be able to do it in my sleep...but its just that those 3 days last week words were popping into my head, and not good words....Satan was filling my head with lies like "you can't do this", "how do you expect to learn all this stuff in a month", "you are not going to do as good a job as her", "you are going to mess up". I felt very defeated on Friday when I came home (it was the end of my week).

I was very excited when I got a message from a friend saying that we were going to see Shrek the Third...I was exstatic because I had a hard week (3 days) at work and wanted to get out and do something that didn't make me think...but the thing was I couldn't spend this money that my mom gave me because she had given it to me for the weekend (she gave me 20) and I had alraedy spent 10 on coffee. And the ticket would have cost me 7 dollars..anyways..long story short..I was unable to I was quite bummed...and because of the work thing, coming home to nobody (mom at camp, dad at lecture and brother at work) I was quite I had a good cry... I actually cried more than I had in a while...maybe it was something I needed..

Anyways...then I texted a friend and asked if she could come over and hang out because I was lonely and had a hard day at work..and she said for me to get in a cab and come to metro and she would pay for the cab (which she did) , but I called the cab and went to set the alarm and lock the door and the doorknob fell off (we have been having a problem with it for a while) and so I lost it again.....and the phone rings saying my taxi is here. so I went outside (left the door open) and told the driver I would have to call another one and I apologized to him. I eventually got the door knob fixed so I called another cab and when i got there she and her brother said that we are going for dinner....and I had quite a good was a lot of fun.

On to today.. i went to dance which was good... but I didn't get inspired to dance (I guess for the most part I am a partner dancer now..) so many other thoughts were clouding my mind....and Joanne showed us a dance she was working on to the song "You are Still Holy" and I cried..the dancing was beautiful, but the words of the song were just so powerful. Here are some that got me:

"Holy, You are still holy,Even when the darkness surrounds my life. Sovereign, You are still sovereign. Even when confusion has blinded my eyes"

"Holy, You are still holy. Even though I don't understand Your ways. Sovereign You will be sovereign. Even when my circumstances don't change."

It is very matter how many bad things happened this weekend, God is still Holy. He is still Sovereign. Even if things don't look good for us He is still Holy. He is still All Powerful. He is still in control of us, and will never let us go. He still loves us.

I think the blog was too long and took too long to get to the point, but the point is so key.

But going back to 1 Peter 1:7 :
"These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world." 1 Peter 1:7

If we face trials, that means our faith is genuine. Because we were told that we would have trials. Even if we go through trials, we need to use them to strengthen us, not make us feel defeated...we need to keep pressing on towards the goal.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Wholesome Music

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while...been busy with job hunting....haha.....

I was talking to a few friends about this tonight, and I thought I would blog about it to see what you guys think. Here is the thing...I just bought the new Maroon 5 album on iTunes and I really like a lot of the song on it. Not for the lyrics, but because the music is catchy and is perfect to dance West Coast Swing to. My question it a bad thing to listen to this unwholesome music?

What the consensus among these people I was talking to tonight (who are both Christians) have said that God calls us to live in the world and not to be consumed by it. So if we are listening to this music strictly for the music and the danceability (is that even a word?) then it isn't bad. I agree 100% with these people. I am listening to Maroon 5 because the music is catchy, I like the lead's voice and it is a really good album to dance to for West Coast Swing.. I have found that with their first album too....


Friday, April 27, 2007

I'll Stand By You

Tonight I bought a song that Carrie Underwood recorded for people to buy on iTunes for proceeds to go to the Idol Gives Back charity. I was listening to the song and I really felt God talking to me through the WHOLE song. Then I was reminded that this song was in the prayer room at Youth Councils and that God spoke to me then through that same song. He brought me those memories back when I was sorting through some old papers and I found the letter I wrote at Youth Councils when I was in there, and that song was written on the top. Many months later it was sung on American Idol by one of the contestants, and then by Carrie most recently. The lyrics are SO powerful it brought me to tears. God wants to stand by me through EVERYTHING. He will NEVER walk away from us. When others walk out of our lives, he is still there through it all. He will NEVER leave me.

Deuteronomy 31:8 says " The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

Here are the lyrics to it. I pray that God speaks to you through this song and brings to you the place I am at. It feels wonderful to feel loved:

I'll Stand By You
by the Pretenders
Oh, Why you look so sad?
Tears are in your eyes.
Come on and come to me now.
Don't be ashamed to cry,
Let me see you through,
Cause I've seen the dark side too.
When the night falls on you,
You don't know what to do,
Nothing you confess,
could make me love you less.

I'll stand by you.
I'll stand by you.
Won't let nobody hurt you,
I'll stand by you.

If you're mad, get mad.
Don't hold it all inside,
Come on and talk to me now.
hey, what you've got to hide?
I get angry too,
Well I'm a lot like you.
When you're standing at the crossroads,
Don't know which path to choose,
Let me come along.
Cause even if you are wrong...

I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
Take me in into your darkest hour
And I'll never desert you
I'll stand by you
And when,
When the night falls on you baby
You're feeling all alone
Walking all on your own

I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
Take me in into your darkest hour
And I'll never desert you
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I`ll stand by you.
As I was listening to this song, God was speaking to me and showing me scriptures that prove that this song is words straight from His mouth:

Psalm 91 (The entire chapter is about His protection over us)

John 15:18 "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first."

Hebrews 13:8 "So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"

1 John 1:9 " If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

Matthew 19:14 " Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

American Idol Gives Back

The last two nights I watched American Idol and I was hit really hard with conviction. This week's theme was "Hope and Compassion" or something like that, so the top 6 sang songs of hope and what not. Blake Lewis is my favourite, and he sang a classic song "Imagine" by John Lennon, and it brought me to tears. That song is so beautiful and the way he sang it was beautiful. Here are some lyrics that hit me:
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
I learned that 1 child dies of Malaria every 30 seconds, when a cure costs 2 dollars for a pack of medicine to cure 4 people.

It costs 1.50 per child to eat lunch at their schools, but they can't even afford that.

The amount of money in ice cream that North America eats could feed the WHOLE world.

Startling eh? I was hit very hard when I watched tonight's results show. It was a two hour special and they kept phone lines open to donate. They showed many stories about different families in America AND Africa who are in poverty. They showed the victims from Hurricane Katrina, who are living in trailers (which was only supposed to be temporary). People in Africa are dying because they can't get the medicine they need to get better. Simon Cowell and Ryan Seacrest took a trip over there and they tried to help many people to get better, but 2 people passed away because they were just too far gone.

This sickens me. Our continent is rich enough to eat all this food and everything, but yet people over seas are going hungry? It doesn't make sense. There is an "epidemic" of obesity in America and Canada because they eat too much, but yet people overseas are so malnutritioned because they eat cornmeal only...thats the only thing they eat ever. It doesn't seem fair. We have so many luxuries and we take them for granted, meanwhile people overseas don't have a lot.

Thats my rant for tonight. Comments are welcomed as always. Speak out against poverty! Make a change! Be grateful for what you have because there are people all over the world who are worse off than you are.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


I apologize in advance, but this stuff needs to come out and there was no other way to get this out because it might be how other people are feeling, so I thought I would post.....

Have you ever felt that you don't have the support from your own church? I am feeling that quite strongly at the church I attend on Sunday nights. I don't feel that I have support from that congregation. Except for maybe 1 or 2 people and thats it. I don't feel that other people are approachable to talk to to ask for prayer or stuff like that because they go off in a group and I wouldn't want to break up the fun, either that or people are getting prayer and are busy... For instance, tonight.... crazy things happened and have kinda been shocking for me and it sucks a lot, and I was upset.... I was praying and wanted to talk to someone about it and ask them to pray over me, but anyone who I thought of talking to had their own issues to deal with and I didn't want to burden them with my stuff (I didn't think it was fair to) or they were busy with their group of friends, so I didn't want to intrude.

The church is supposed to help people are they not? The church is supposed to be supportive of every member are they not? I have tried my best to help people, and many people know that I support them and pray for them and pray with them and all that. But when I am feeling overwhelmed and drained and tired and feeling just plain crappy, does anyone come and ask if they can pray over me or even ask if I want to talk about it? No... What ever happened to things happening mutually? I don't feel that I should have to go down to the mercy seat to get prayer, I don't feel that I have to necessarily make that step because some people (i feel) abuse that just to get people to pray with them and get attention...SOME people..not all... and I don't want to be looked at as just wanting attention. I just want to know that someone in my own church actually cares enough to ask if I am ok if I don't look like I am ok...

Ok venting done..

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Counting my Blessings

Tonight was such a huge blessing and something I really needed. Today marks the 2 year anniversary of my good friend's death from Breast Cancer, I actually thought I was going to be upset about it and what not, but it turned out that I wasn't, and today was filled with blessings.

I have been dealing with a couple friends who I am having to act as a counselor to and its stressing me out. But tonight at dance I was able to forget all of that and just dance and boy was I having a GREAT time. I didn't think I would like the Hustle, it was a dance that originated in the 70's (way before my time) and it sorta got phased out, but we are doing it in dance class. I am getting that more than the West Coast Swing steps. West Coast Swing is the hardest dance to learn and many people have told me that. I am sticking with it though. But the Hustle, oh man it is just so much fun. When West Coast Swing was over they played one song of that to dance to and then one song of Hustle to warm up. I thought I did pretty well with it. It was so amazing to dance and feel like I was understanding and actually looking good doing it LOL. So much fun. I did that during the warm up and then I stay for a few songs after the lessons are over because my bus doesn't come til 35 minutes after class ends. I was struggling with the pivet turns, but I think I ended up getting it at the end! YAY!

Anyways..that wasn't really what I was going to blog about... but that was actually a blessing, being able to understand the moves! Woot! Anyways... When we were on the bus it was starting to rain (on the way TO dance) and then by the time we got there it was just was POURING. Angel and I were a little anxious about that because we both didn't have umbrellas so ya... We prayed that it would stop by the end, and when dance class was over and we walk outside it had stopped fully. It was that refreshing smell of after the rain. Beautiful.

And about the 2 year anniversary. I chose not to be sad and I have lit my candle that I got from Avon (that donated 100% to Breast Cancer research) currently. The glow reminds me to thank God that I am healthy and to thank God for Janis' life.

God has a plan for my life and I am going to wait and see what he has in store for me. On Sunday my life verse was spoken again (yes Karyn, i did notice that LOL) and it reminded me of this. Not knowing is such a blessing actually, not having control is a good thing because then we don't have to worry about it or stress about it. It's very exciting but also scary not knowing what is ahead, but bring it on LORD!

Thank you God for that blessing and the many blessings you continue to give to me and my friends' in their lives. I love you! Thank you for giving me patience to deal with those two friends as well because you know that without you I would have lost my patience and said something I shouldn't have. Thank you for continuing to teach my daily what I need to do and thank you for unveiling your plan for my life day to day.

Jeremiah 29:11-13 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

Friday, April 06, 2007

Feeling Unworthy?

If u were looking for an inspiring blog lately, sorry..but these things are on my mind, and thats what a blog is for right?

Have you ever had those moments where you don't feel worthy enough to enter God's presence? I felt like that last week at a worship night. With the song "Take me into the holy of holies" (thats not the title.. i cant remember the title) But it was like "wow... i don't feel worthy enough to be in his presence. Do I want him to take me to that place if I don't feel I should be there?"

I think the simple answer is yes, Satan tries to tell us that we are unworthy all the time, but we need to fight that off and enter God's presence. We need to focus on God and let him speak truth to us instead of giving into the lies that Satan tells us....

That is all...

Good night

Friday, March 23, 2007

Fighting the Demons

It is 4:00am and I cannot sleep. I have a lot on my mind that I need to get down on..well..the computer (not on a notebook, I dont want to turn lights on)

Have you ever felt like you are in a constant losing battle with your flesh? That is how I am feeling. I am feeling defeated, like there is no possibility of winning. There are so many "demons" in my life right now and there are just so many (anger, doubt, envy, hating food, weight issues, greed...just to name a few) and it is a little overwhelming because I try to overcome them but they just overpower my life and it is hard to get out.

I try to show outwardly that all is good and rosey, but inward I am fighting a constant battle. I have friends who are going through some pretty rough stuff right now so I try to be there for them and it is hard because if I am struggling, it makes it hard for me to get the words across to help my friends. As much as I want to help them, its near impossible to because I am struggling and hurting. I love my friends much, you have NO idea, and it hurts me to not be able to help them properly because my own mind is clouded with thoughts.

Dancing gets rid of the pain, but only for a short time. I go to dance classes regularly (once a week...soon to be 3 times a week..once i get my ID) and I find that when I am there, I feel no pain. I just focus on having a good time and learning something new. I enjoy it thoroughly..but then I leave that dance hall and its back to reality. Life isn't all roses and butterflies... it probably never will be. But its just nice to have that release for 2 hours at least. Where I can forget everything in the world and just dance. The dance "high" usually lasts an evening.. on the bus on the way home, and then the next day its back to the inward struggle.

I am not commending people who get drunk to get rid of their problems, but I am making a statement here that my friend told me once. He was going through a REALLY rough time a while ago..was going to commit suicide and he said that drinking makes those problems go away. I told him that the problems are still there, they are just masked by a clouded head full of alcohol. The problems are still there, you are just left with a hangover AND the problems.

There HAS to be a permanent solution to people's problems. There can't be these temporary "memory lapses" if you will. There can't be these few hour highs, there needs to be a permanent solution...I need to work through these struggles in my life, and I need God's help with these struggles, because I sure can't do it on my own. I am in a losing battle, and I can only overcome these problems through Jesus. I can only get through these struggles with God's help.

Help me Jesus, I pray!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Jobs and our Holy Journey

I found out tonight as I was talking to my best friend that having jobs is similar to our Holy Journey. We have to go through some bad times (bad jobs, bad bosses, etc) to get to the really good job. I am having this issue, I keep getting stuck with jobs that I don't like and the one i really love is only casual work. I got a job recently at a telemarketing place...what I didn't know was that I was supposed to basically lie to them... "stretch the truth"...I quit that day..the job wasn't for me on soo omany levels..

I was searching for a new job and I got a new interview at a Hair Salon as a Receptionist. I am very excited about it. I was thinking how perfect this job would be... It is near many stores that i shop at (Best Buy, Walmart, Subway, Tim Hortons, Rogers Video, Payless Shoe Store, AND Pet Cetera..where the Royal City Humane cats are..well.some). It is just nearing perfect...maybe too good to be true..we will see tomorrow at 2..

Anyways...I found that we hve to go through many trials to get the final reward of we have to go through many crappy jobs in order to get a reallty good one...

Not a good paralell..but just something I was thinking about.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I got this in my inbox this morning and it is similar to what some friends and I have been discussing. And people have commented on Karyn's Blog. It is very relevant to what has been talked about lately. It says exactly what I wanted, but it says it more elequently. Here it is (the Italics are what I add in in a different colour):

February 27, 2007

Someone Else’s Problems
by John Fischer

Evangelicals often put being saved and going to heaven in the same sentence, as if heaven were the only goal of our salvation. But the truth is, we are saved to serve (people in The Salvation Army says that a lot). Heaven is important, but heaven can wait. God saves us because he has a job for us to do in his Kingdom here on earth. If heaven is the whole point of our salvation, then what do we do while we wait? Change the channel on our Christian entertainment? We have to DO SOMETHING. Not just say "Jesus come into my heart" and then go back and do what we used to do. We need to serve! God calls us to serve others!

It’s amazing how many of our own problems dissipate when we begin caring about other people’s problems instead of focusing on our own. That is VERY VERY true! So true! I have definitly found that in my current situation. Yes there are bad things going on in my life, but if I am helping my friends I feel that my problems just seem to go away (not disappear or not become problems anymore but I just don't think about them). If we are doing something, we tend to not dwell on the bad things going on. We’ve picked up some very bad habits from our culture. We have a tendency to be preoccupied with our own needs and constantly trying to fulfill them. Seems to be a "me first" generation! It needs to end! Advertising plays into this self-indulgence, promising that one more product will be the thing that will finally satisfy us. The truth of the matter is: Getting will never come close to the satisfaction that giving affords. Meaning, you get more satisfaction from giving than getting.

Think of someone you know who is truly happy and I venture to guess you will find that someone busy serving others. Yup... true true! If, in fact, our troubles will never go away (and I don’t believe they ever will in this life), then to focus on them and try to solve them is going to be nothing but a broken record. Make one problem go away, and watch another one crop up immediately. To give ourselves to the task of attending to the problems of those around us may not make our own problems go away, but it will make them less of a drag. Focusing on our own problems can lead to anxiety, frustration, and even depression. Focusing on other people’s problems leads to usefulness and a greater sense of health. I feel extremely useful when I am helping someone else with their problems. It makes me feel that I am making a difference and not just being a "pew warmer".

So today, when we are tempted to look in, to our own needs, let’s look out, instead, to the needs of those around us and see if our own needs diminish by comparison. Who knows, we may even forget about ourselves in the process.

Jesus hung on a cross and thought of those who were putting him there, and even pleaded their case before his Father, because he knew they didn’t realize the full impact of what they were doing. Can you imagine having even a fleeting thought about someone else if you were in that much pain yourself? But that’s just the thing about Jesus: He was always thinking of someone else.
Wow! That is just inspiring! That Jesus hung on the cross. He was in so much pain, but he was thinking about the nation that he was dying for. He was not thinking about his own pain! WOW!

Father, Help me to look outside instead of in. Sometimes I tend to dwell on my own problems and look inward instead of outward. Help me help my friends more and more. Especially with this one situation with a good friend of mine, give me the words, help me be useful. I want to be useful for your kingdom. I don't just want to be a pew warmer. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, so strengthen me daily to look outward! Amen!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Religion vs Relationship

I have been struggling lately to find what is the "right" religion. They all seem to have some sort of flaw to them (meaning it doesn't quite fit with what the Bible says)

I came to realize that it doesn't matter what religion I am a part of. Religion is not what matters because all religion is, is a set of "rituals" and "traditions". Some are scriptural and some aren't. It should only matter where your relationship with God is. Is it good? Awesome? Does it need work? Read the Bible, dig in and learn more about Him. If you know Him really well, then the relationship will be great! If you don't know him very well, then its not so good...

However, I was talking with a friend of mine tonight and she said that her and her friend don't like organized religion, and I said "great, neither do I." I told her that I believe that the Church body, isn't organized religion, that is a family group. She said that it is the same thing.

I could be totally wrong in this, I am not sure. I am seeking truth in this whole situation because in my Bible study there are different views, and it is causing me to think a lot and look into The Salvation Army (the church I belong to) and see what they believe and why they don't do certain things that are SO scriptural: Water Baptism, Communion, teaching about Celebacy (some are called to it.. I know i am not one but it should be talked about).

It was taught to me early on that your relationship with God will get stronger if you are in the word constantly and talking to God constantly (its in 1st or 2nd Thessalonians). I definitly think that my relationship is getting stronger with God ever since I picked up my Bible more . These last few weeks, I read through 1st and 2 Corinthians and learned a lot. It is teaching me so much and making me question some things too. Its good to question things, I think. Questioning gets you thinking and talking with God and he teaches you lots of things.

I encourage each and every one of you that read this blog, to pick up your Bible and read it a lot! Try to read it every day if you can. It will benefit your relationship with GOd. You will know him SO MUCH better than if you didn't read the Bible. Trust me, it is VERY difficult to make time to read it, I don't really know why it is though. People are always reading other books, and talk about others books a lot, but then when they are asked what they read in the Bible they say that they haven't read it that much.

Be Blessed!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Dancing is the most joyous thing I can do. That and singing. But dancing just brings such great joy and peace for me! There is just something about it.

I go to West Coast Swing and Two Step classes every Tuesday and its a 2 hour lesson with a big group (which makes the two step very awkward cuz it is danced in one big circle hehe) and I love every minute of it. Even if I get really confused. We change partners every few minutes so we can learn the different leading techniques from the different men. It is very cool! Anyways... When I go there, I totally forget about everything else that is going on. I am not thinking about ANYTHING except for learning the dance steps. When I am there dancing I am at peace. My mind is on dance and nothing else. Watching dance is great but dancing is sooo much better! To be in it and doing the movements is just freeing! But it takes work to learn and does not take just one lesson to get it done well. But did I mention that I LOVE LOVE LOVE it? If I didn't..please let me tell you.. I LOVE DANCE!!

This is like our walks as Christians. We have to learn how to be Christ-like. It does not take one day to become Christ-like. It takes a lot of work. It is hard work to be Christ-like because we try and sometimes we fail and we get mad at ourselves. We just need to keep "practicing" because practice makes perfect. How we practice being Christ-like is to read the Bible (like a dance instructional DVD helps us perfect the dance steps) and see how to be Christ-like. The Bible is like an instructional manual of how to do certain things. It is a teacher for in between going to church. When you go to church its like going to the dance lessons. The preacher teaches us how to live, just like a dance instructor teaches us dance moves. Then in between church practices and dance lessons, we practice at home and learn at home.

God Bless!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Movies and the Flu

Hey everyone
I have been at home for 3 days straight with a bad case of the flu (i know what u are thinking, there isn't a good case of the flu..but this to me is I still have it, so I have been at home for those 3 days. Have not left the house at all, could barely move for a couple i can move.. lol... I have been basicaly lying on the couch watching TV and movies. One of those movies was Shall We Dance and I must say, it is a great movie (obviously, cuz its about dancing) but there was such a great message in it.

For those of you who don't know, this movie is about a guy who is not happy. He loves his wife and all that, but he is just not happy. He is in the "daily grind" basically. Wake up, kiss wife, eat breakfast, go to work and do the same old stuff, coem home on the subway, eat dinner, go to bed. He wasn't happy with it, so he decided to take up ballroom dance lessons. He hid it from his wife, however. It was something that was VERY out of character for him, a lawyer, to do. He wasn't doing anything wrong. His wife decided to hire an investigator to check on him because she thought he was having an affair. The investigator finds out what is happening and relays the info to his wife. She doesn't understand why he hid it.

Anyways, there is a fellow lawyer who took up dancing as well. He is a bald straight man, but loves to wear sequins and wear a wig (the wig is to disguise who he is) and latin dance. He did not want anyone to know that he loves to dance because it would be very bad back at the office. Anyways, he gets into an argument with one of the dancers and the dancer pulls off his wig and people realize who he is. His partner says basically to take the wig off and dance. So he leaves the wig off and dances and finds he is enjoying himself even with the wig off. He didn't care who knew he loved to dance in these outfits.

I love this so much! God taught me something through this movie. I am currently in dance classes (well I have only been to one class...) its West Coast Swing. It is a lot of fun. I am finding it nerve racking too because I haven't been to a dance classes in a long time, so I was wondering how long it woud take me to pick up the steps and stuff. I found I was stumbling a bit. In one part of the dance, the guy has to stop leading and the girl has to do a little bit of 'playing' (as Myles called it), where basically the girl lets go of the guy and does some dance moves on her own and then comes back and grabs the guys hand and he takes control again. That part is very difficult for me because I am very self contious so I don't know any dance moves to do. So I just do a spin every time (which looks cool, but cant be done everytime, cuz that would be boring). God showed me through this movie that I need to just let lose and be myself, and I will find that I will enjoy it sooo much more. I enjoy it thoroughly as of right now, but it will take it to a whole new level if I can be myself and just practice nad try out dance moves and such. If they don't work I just won't do them again lol. Its all about trial and error!

Anywho, it is sooooo late and I am soooooo out of it, but I had to get this I am off to bed now..

Friday, February 02, 2007

You are beautiful!

We had a girl's group tonight instead of youth group (all the guys..well..both of them, were not available). We went over to the Macpherson household and watched a movie. We watched "Take the Lead" Its a DANCING movie! Woot woot!! Anyways, it was about this group who gets detention and the task for their detention is to learn dance. It is a pretty great movie!

The reason why we watched it is because after, we had a discussion about jealousy. Captain Lisa and Kelly made us little gift bags with chocolate in it and a card with this info on it:

-Afraid of losing someone's love or affection
-Angry or unhappy because of what someone else has
-Careful to guard or keep what one has.

The first and 3rd one I don't quite get, and they didn't really go into detail about it. There was also a verse on it for us. It says:

"You are so beautiful, my beloved, so perfect in every part." Song of Songs 4:7

That was amazing! I am going to start reading Song of Songs tonight! It sounds like such a great book to read!

Kelly also read something from a book. I don't own the book so I am paraphrasing what it said. It basically said that when people tell us we are beautiful, sometimes we don't believe it. It is the smae thing with God. He tells us we are beautiful. Like in Song of Songs. We are beautiful, we are his beloved, we are perfect in every part (in his eyes). If God says this, then we should believe it, because he created the whole world, and he thinks that what he created was good. And also He did just that, create the whole world. That is pretty powerful. So if he says that we are beautiful that is powerful!

They told us to think of a woman in our lives that we admire, and why do we admire them? Is it because of their looks or because of what they DO. I thought about the woman that I admire, and while I do think she is beautiful, that is not why I admire her. I admire her for her heart, for what she does for people, how she makes a huge impact on people who she comes in contact with, for the way she worships God through tears and pain or happiness and joy, and she is authentic. I don't admire her because of her looks. I look up to her because I want to be like her. I want to be able to worship God even through the hard times, I want to be a great example for others and make an impact on them. If I care about that then why should I care what I look like? It shouldn't matter what I look like, it should matter what I do. It should matter who I make a difference for. It should matter who I serve. It should matter that I worship with my whole heart and be authentic. I shouldn't care about how I look.

God says that I am beautiful, and that is really powerful stuff!

To all who read this blog, I have one message for you:

You are Beautiful! B-E-A-UTIFUL!

God thinks we are to die for!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Get the tissues out

This was so touching! I didn't get to watch this on TV but I saw it on the Entertainment news show that I watched today, and it brought me to tears, take a look:

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Friends First

I got this devotional in my box today and it really got me thinking. We need to build relationships first, because if we just say that they need Jesus (Which is true) and don't build a relationship with them, then its nothing but a marketing pitch. It would come across that we don't really care about THEM and who they are. Here is the devotional. Sorry I haven't had anything inspiring to write about myself, but I will soon... so for it is:

Friends first
by John Fischer

The Great Commission is all about making friends. Now I know Jesus said, “Therefore, go and make disciples …” (Matthew 28:19 NLT), but Jesus himself showed that you can’t make a disciple until you first make a friend. “I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.” (John 15:15 NLT)

So what Christians have called “witnessing” for some time really should be more like building relationships. It’s what you do over the long haul of a relationship that counts so much more than door-to-door canvassing of the neighborhood.

In the movie The Big Kahuna starring Danny DeVito and Kevin Spacey, a young salesman fresh out of Baptist college goes on his first business trip to a convention with a couple seasoned veterans from his company. In an attempt to land a CEO (“The Big Kahuna”) of a very large account as a new client, the young Baptist, played surprisingly close to a real Baptist by Peter Tarrantino, ends up the unlikely one of the three who has the best shot at talking with the CEO.
But instead of talking about the company he represents and setting up his partners with a meeting, the Baptist ends up spending the whole conversation witnessing to the man about Jesus. When his co-workers find out about this, Spacey goes ballistic. A hot-headed argument ensues between Spacey and the rookie salesman over the place of religion in business, and Danny DeVito, the oldest and wisest of the three, tries to calm them both down and provides some very sensible advice. What he says to the young Baptist should be heard and considered by all Christians. It goes something like this:

“The minute you lay hold of a conversation in order to steer it in a certain direction, it ceases to be a conversation, it’s a sales pitch; and you aren’t a human being anymore, you’re a marketing rep. If you really care about the man, ask him about his kids … his wife … his dreams ...”

It’s the difference between pushing an agenda and truly caring for somebody. If you care about somebody, you want to know what he or she is thinking, what is the person’s hopes and dreams, joys and disappointments – in other words, what are the things that make that person human. Friendship is all about finding common ground, and it is out of this common ground that what is shared will have credibility.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Missions Fest

Today my dad and I went downtown to Missions Fest and spend the afternoon together. It was lots of fun. I saw a booth there from a church/organization called "Joy Fellowship" and it is an organization that works with people with disabilities of all sorts. I got talking to one of the ladies who was there and she has invited me to come volunteer at Camp Squamish in May with the group they are taking. I am going to pray about it and see if that is what God wants me to do.

I also took some pictures which turned out awesome, take a look:

Monday, January 22, 2007

Love surprise here..

The Five Love Languages

My primary love language is probably
Physical Touch
with a secondary love language being
Receiving Gifts.

Complete set of results

Physical Touch: 11
Receiving Gifts: 8
Quality Time: 6
Words of Affirmation: 4
Acts of Service: 1


Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Prayer Request

The other blog was getting too long, so I decided to post this as a different blog....anyways...

I am in school to become a Therapeutic Recreation Practitioner, and this past wednesday my instructor mentioned that she had seen a lady in London Drugs and this lady mentioned that her work was hiring some TRP's. The workplace is at Canada Way Care Centre. I live just a few blocks up from there, and from what I have seen online it is a beautiful place. I also have a friend who works there as a receptionist (casually) So my instructor told me to call this lady and mention that I am a student of hers. So I called the next day and she said to fax my resume in with a cover letter, so I did that. I have to phone on Tuesday to see if they have processed my resume yet, and if they have made a decision.

I am asking that you guys pray (I have been also, and will continue to) that God's will will be done in this situation. I would really like this job because it is in the field that I want to work in, but if it isn't in God's will than I need to get over it and find a different job.

Thanks ^_^

Amazing night!!!!

This isn't a very insightful blog really, but I just had to let my thoughts out.

Tonight was so awesome, and I would like to thank everyone who came (and sorry that the other ones couldn't make, I still love each and every one of you). You guys are so amazing, you all made me feel SO loved.

We shared in laughs, and I even had some flirting from the waiter again... *rolls eyes* lol...anyways.... I laughed so much tonight. It was something I really needed after a stressful last few weeks, with stuff going on with family members (not immediate not parents or brother), and job stuff and ya.. its just been a little stressful, but tonight was just amazing. I got to go to church and worship God, which was amazing, and then afterwords we went to Applebees (a restaurant right by my house) for a lovely dinner. It was awesome to see 2 friends that I hadn't seen in a long time. It made me very happy that they came (yay Julian and Fiona!!)

Before church we got to talking about Love Language. We have love language that we recieve and that we give. They can be different. My love language that I give is gifts (encouragement books and such), and the love language that I recieve that makes me feel loved is physical touch (like hugs), and not really gifts, but the thought that goes into the gifts that are given to me. I don't know if that makes sense. Let me try to explain: I am a girly girl, who loves pink things and starbucks oh and sheep!! hehe. It would not make sense for someone to give me a power tool for my birthday (LOL!!) because that would show that they dont know me very well.

The gifts that were given to me for my birthday were as follows: A snowglobe from my friend Alie, that has a picture of her 2.5 month old baby Tearah in it, and from Julian I got a 15 dollar gift card for Starbucks, from MJ I got a cross ornament, smarties bar (the explosion one), stickers, a ring pop, a Kitty Birthday Card, and a shower gel thing that is shaped as a sheep..hehe... and from Ben and Angel I got a card with pictures of friends on it, and inside was a check for 20 dollars and in the memo part it said "First Dance Class" (I am going to be taking West Coast Swing lessons in a couple weeks and it is 20 dollars per lesson) This almost made me cry because they all know me so well, which shows me that they love me. Not that gifts is what matters here, it is the fact that they knew me so well. It made me feel very loved.

So in two weeks I will be off to my very very very first West Coast Swing lesson. I am very excited! I haven't taken a dance class in 10 years, and that was classical work (ballet). This is ballroom (West Coast Swing) The Dance class goes as follows: 7-8pm West Coast Swing lesson, 8-9 Two Step (whatever that is) and then from 9-10:30pm for 3 dollars extra, there is a dance, where we can practice our skills! All for 20 dollars (plus the 3 for the dance part, but don't think i will be going to that on my very first lesson, but we will see) I pray that I will not chicken out after my first lesson. West Coast Swing is a very difficult dance to do (from what I have seen) but I am so up for the challenge and I know God will be there helping me all the way!

God Bless you all!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I got this quote in my inbox for today January 17th and i thought it was very cool so I thought I would share it.

We must know that as His children, He's going to allow problems even when we are in the centre of His will.
~Sandy Edmonson

Sunday, January 14, 2007


It turns out I did not get that job at the dollar store because I was told to go in on Tuesday when the janitor's wife (one of the managers) was working and talk to her. Well I did that, but she said that the people got hired yesterday. She told me to come in on Tuesday when she was working to talk to her about it.... she wasn't too happy that they had hired people, but I got the feeling that they won't be there too long because her husband said that to me. So I don't know..we will see... If it is in God's will that I get this job, great..if not..not much I can do.. I can't change God's will.

Which brings me to a question regarding God's will.... When things go really badly for example, when families split apart, number 1: is that God's will? and number 2: If it is God's will, than why would that happen? God wants unity in families, so why would they split up? It is someting I am struggling with in my own family life right now (not my parents guys, don't worry). I need to know some clear answers about this, if any of you have any thoughts please don't hesitate to comment. Thanks so much.

God Bless

Thursday, January 04, 2007

When one door closes....

.....God opens another.

This is so true in my life. I was very excited about the news that I was going to be working for my college as a student assistant, but then my excitement turned to sadness after a week because I was informed that I had to be taking a minimum of 2 courses to have this job. I am only taking 1 course this semester. So I didn't get the job...

HOWEVER.. My mother informed my that the janitors wife (the janitor works at Cariboo Church) works for a dollar store at Lougheed Mall and they are hiring people. They just lost 2 employees. So he (the janitor) wants me to bring a resume in and he will put a good word in with his wife (one of the hiring staff). AND it will be MORE hours and the starting rate is 9 dollars an hour, whereas the job at Douglas would have been 8.15 an hour and 15 hours a week..So God closed one door and opened another for me right away. So I only will be going approximatly a week without work. Praise the Lord!