Friday, February 02, 2007

You are beautiful!

We had a girl's group tonight instead of youth group (all the guys..well..both of them, were not available). We went over to the Macpherson household and watched a movie. We watched "Take the Lead" Its a DANCING movie! Woot woot!! Anyways, it was about this group who gets detention and the task for their detention is to learn dance. It is a pretty great movie!

The reason why we watched it is because after, we had a discussion about jealousy. Captain Lisa and Kelly made us little gift bags with chocolate in it and a card with this info on it:

-Afraid of losing someone's love or affection
-Angry or unhappy because of what someone else has
-Careful to guard or keep what one has.

The first and 3rd one I don't quite get, and they didn't really go into detail about it. There was also a verse on it for us. It says:

"You are so beautiful, my beloved, so perfect in every part." Song of Songs 4:7

That was amazing! I am going to start reading Song of Songs tonight! It sounds like such a great book to read!

Kelly also read something from a book. I don't own the book so I am paraphrasing what it said. It basically said that when people tell us we are beautiful, sometimes we don't believe it. It is the smae thing with God. He tells us we are beautiful. Like in Song of Songs. We are beautiful, we are his beloved, we are perfect in every part (in his eyes). If God says this, then we should believe it, because he created the whole world, and he thinks that what he created was good. And also He did just that, create the whole world. That is pretty powerful. So if he says that we are beautiful that is powerful!

They told us to think of a woman in our lives that we admire, and why do we admire them? Is it because of their looks or because of what they DO. I thought about the woman that I admire, and while I do think she is beautiful, that is not why I admire her. I admire her for her heart, for what she does for people, how she makes a huge impact on people who she comes in contact with, for the way she worships God through tears and pain or happiness and joy, and she is authentic. I don't admire her because of her looks. I look up to her because I want to be like her. I want to be able to worship God even through the hard times, I want to be a great example for others and make an impact on them. If I care about that then why should I care what I look like? It shouldn't matter what I look like, it should matter what I do. It should matter who I make a difference for. It should matter who I serve. It should matter that I worship with my whole heart and be authentic. I shouldn't care about how I look.

God says that I am beautiful, and that is really powerful stuff!

To all who read this blog, I have one message for you:

You are Beautiful! B-E-A-UTIFUL!

God thinks we are to die for!

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