Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Movies and the Flu

Hey everyone
I have been at home for 3 days straight with a bad case of the flu (i know what u are thinking, there isn't a good case of the flu..but this to me is bad...lol). I still have it, so I have been at home for those 3 days. Have not left the house at all, could barely move for a couple days..today i can move.. lol... I have been basicaly lying on the couch watching TV and movies. One of those movies was Shall We Dance and I must say, it is a great movie (obviously, cuz its about dancing) but there was such a great message in it.

For those of you who don't know, this movie is about a guy who is not happy. He loves his wife and all that, but he is just not happy. He is in the "daily grind" basically. Wake up, kiss wife, eat breakfast, go to work and do the same old stuff, coem home on the subway, eat dinner, go to bed. He wasn't happy with it, so he decided to take up ballroom dance lessons. He hid it from his wife, however. It was something that was VERY out of character for him, a lawyer, to do. He wasn't doing anything wrong. His wife decided to hire an investigator to check on him because she thought he was having an affair. The investigator finds out what is happening and relays the info to his wife. She doesn't understand why he hid it.

Anyways, there is a fellow lawyer who took up dancing as well. He is a bald straight man, but loves to wear sequins and wear a wig (the wig is to disguise who he is) and latin dance. He did not want anyone to know that he loves to dance because it would be very bad back at the office. Anyways, he gets into an argument with one of the dancers and the dancer pulls off his wig and people realize who he is. His partner says basically to take the wig off and dance. So he leaves the wig off and dances and finds he is enjoying himself even with the wig off. He didn't care who knew he loved to dance in these outfits.

I love this so much! God taught me something through this movie. I am currently in dance classes (well I have only been to one class...) its West Coast Swing. It is a lot of fun. I am finding it nerve racking too because I haven't been to a dance classes in a long time, so I was wondering how long it woud take me to pick up the steps and stuff. I found I was stumbling a bit. In one part of the dance, the guy has to stop leading and the girl has to do a little bit of 'playing' (as Myles called it), where basically the girl lets go of the guy and does some dance moves on her own and then comes back and grabs the guys hand and he takes control again. That part is very difficult for me because I am very self contious so I don't know any dance moves to do. So I just do a spin every time (which looks cool, but cant be done everytime, cuz that would be boring). God showed me through this movie that I need to just let lose and be myself, and I will find that I will enjoy it sooo much more. I enjoy it thoroughly as of right now, but it will take it to a whole new level if I can be myself and just practice nad try out dance moves and such. If they don't work I just won't do them again lol. Its all about trial and error!

Anywho, it is sooooo late and I am soooooo out of it, but I had to get this blogged....so I am off to bed now..

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