Monday, February 26, 2007

Religion vs Relationship

I have been struggling lately to find what is the "right" religion. They all seem to have some sort of flaw to them (meaning it doesn't quite fit with what the Bible says)

I came to realize that it doesn't matter what religion I am a part of. Religion is not what matters because all religion is, is a set of "rituals" and "traditions". Some are scriptural and some aren't. It should only matter where your relationship with God is. Is it good? Awesome? Does it need work? Read the Bible, dig in and learn more about Him. If you know Him really well, then the relationship will be great! If you don't know him very well, then its not so good...

However, I was talking with a friend of mine tonight and she said that her and her friend don't like organized religion, and I said "great, neither do I." I told her that I believe that the Church body, isn't organized religion, that is a family group. She said that it is the same thing.

I could be totally wrong in this, I am not sure. I am seeking truth in this whole situation because in my Bible study there are different views, and it is causing me to think a lot and look into The Salvation Army (the church I belong to) and see what they believe and why they don't do certain things that are SO scriptural: Water Baptism, Communion, teaching about Celebacy (some are called to it.. I know i am not one but it should be talked about).

It was taught to me early on that your relationship with God will get stronger if you are in the word constantly and talking to God constantly (its in 1st or 2nd Thessalonians). I definitly think that my relationship is getting stronger with God ever since I picked up my Bible more . These last few weeks, I read through 1st and 2 Corinthians and learned a lot. It is teaching me so much and making me question some things too. Its good to question things, I think. Questioning gets you thinking and talking with God and he teaches you lots of things.

I encourage each and every one of you that read this blog, to pick up your Bible and read it a lot! Try to read it every day if you can. It will benefit your relationship with GOd. You will know him SO MUCH better than if you didn't read the Bible. Trust me, it is VERY difficult to make time to read it, I don't really know why it is though. People are always reading other books, and talk about others books a lot, but then when they are asked what they read in the Bible they say that they haven't read it that much.

Be Blessed!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."


April said...

Hey Christine this is an very encrouaging blog. I see some deeep revaltions from God. Christine keep seek god for those answers because he wants to help you find them and keep diving into the word for he is wanting to speak to you

Haven Bartton said...

"I told her that I believe that the Church body, isn't organized religion, that is a family group."

Problem is, any system of faith in divinity is a "religion". Christians are shooting themselves in the foot by pretending their faith isn't systematic.

God works through religion, He works through rituals, He always has. These rituals are beneficial, they can be abused, but that's no reason to toss them out altogether.

Christianity isn't *just* a "relationship" with our God, because that relationship assumes we are following the "religion" and "rules" that God set up for us. If we love God, we do what He says, and that requires being "religious".

God asks us to do things (baptism, communion, celibacy if we are called to it), just like you said. Are those things "religious"?