Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Dancing is the most joyous thing I can do. That and singing. But dancing just brings such great joy and peace for me! There is just something about it.

I go to West Coast Swing and Two Step classes every Tuesday and its a 2 hour lesson with a big group (which makes the two step very awkward cuz it is danced in one big circle hehe) and I love every minute of it. Even if I get really confused. We change partners every few minutes so we can learn the different leading techniques from the different men. It is very cool! Anyways... When I go there, I totally forget about everything else that is going on. I am not thinking about ANYTHING except for learning the dance steps. When I am there dancing I am at peace. My mind is on dance and nothing else. Watching dance is great but dancing is sooo much better! To be in it and doing the movements is just freeing! But it takes work to learn and does not take just one lesson to get it done well. But did I mention that I LOVE LOVE LOVE it? If I didn't..please let me tell you.. I LOVE DANCE!!

This is like our walks as Christians. We have to learn how to be Christ-like. It does not take one day to become Christ-like. It takes a lot of work. It is hard work to be Christ-like because we try and sometimes we fail and we get mad at ourselves. We just need to keep "practicing" because practice makes perfect. How we practice being Christ-like is to read the Bible (like a dance instructional DVD helps us perfect the dance steps) and see how to be Christ-like. The Bible is like an instructional manual of how to do certain things. It is a teacher for in between going to church. When you go to church its like going to the dance lessons. The preacher teaches us how to live, just like a dance instructor teaches us dance moves. Then in between church practices and dance lessons, we practice at home and learn at home.

God Bless!

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