Monday, March 12, 2007

Jobs and our Holy Journey

I found out tonight as I was talking to my best friend that having jobs is similar to our Holy Journey. We have to go through some bad times (bad jobs, bad bosses, etc) to get to the really good job. I am having this issue, I keep getting stuck with jobs that I don't like and the one i really love is only casual work. I got a job recently at a telemarketing place...what I didn't know was that I was supposed to basically lie to them... "stretch the truth"...I quit that day..the job wasn't for me on soo omany levels..

I was searching for a new job and I got a new interview at a Hair Salon as a Receptionist. I am very excited about it. I was thinking how perfect this job would be... It is near many stores that i shop at (Best Buy, Walmart, Subway, Tim Hortons, Rogers Video, Payless Shoe Store, AND Pet Cetera..where the Royal City Humane cats are..well.some). It is just nearing perfect...maybe too good to be true..we will see tomorrow at 2..

Anyways...I found that we hve to go through many trials to get the final reward of we have to go through many crappy jobs in order to get a reallty good one...

Not a good paralell..but just something I was thinking about.

1 comment:

Haven Bartton said...

Hoo boy, I find it worrying that anyone puts their #1 priority for finding a job as being "close to where I shop" @_@.

While I agree with you for the most part, I think our society (and me included) is far too bent on the "right" job. Looking around the world, not many folks have a choice of where they work. We're lucky we have options to begin with.