Thursday, January 04, 2007

When one door closes....

.....God opens another.

This is so true in my life. I was very excited about the news that I was going to be working for my college as a student assistant, but then my excitement turned to sadness after a week because I was informed that I had to be taking a minimum of 2 courses to have this job. I am only taking 1 course this semester. So I didn't get the job...

HOWEVER.. My mother informed my that the janitors wife (the janitor works at Cariboo Church) works for a dollar store at Lougheed Mall and they are hiring people. They just lost 2 employees. So he (the janitor) wants me to bring a resume in and he will put a good word in with his wife (one of the hiring staff). AND it will be MORE hours and the starting rate is 9 dollars an hour, whereas the job at Douglas would have been 8.15 an hour and 15 hours a week..So God closed one door and opened another for me right away. So I only will be going approximatly a week without work. Praise the Lord!

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