Sunday, January 21, 2007

Amazing night!!!!

This isn't a very insightful blog really, but I just had to let my thoughts out.

Tonight was so awesome, and I would like to thank everyone who came (and sorry that the other ones couldn't make, I still love each and every one of you). You guys are so amazing, you all made me feel SO loved.

We shared in laughs, and I even had some flirting from the waiter again... *rolls eyes* lol...anyways.... I laughed so much tonight. It was something I really needed after a stressful last few weeks, with stuff going on with family members (not immediate not parents or brother), and job stuff and ya.. its just been a little stressful, but tonight was just amazing. I got to go to church and worship God, which was amazing, and then afterwords we went to Applebees (a restaurant right by my house) for a lovely dinner. It was awesome to see 2 friends that I hadn't seen in a long time. It made me very happy that they came (yay Julian and Fiona!!)

Before church we got to talking about Love Language. We have love language that we recieve and that we give. They can be different. My love language that I give is gifts (encouragement books and such), and the love language that I recieve that makes me feel loved is physical touch (like hugs), and not really gifts, but the thought that goes into the gifts that are given to me. I don't know if that makes sense. Let me try to explain: I am a girly girl, who loves pink things and starbucks oh and sheep!! hehe. It would not make sense for someone to give me a power tool for my birthday (LOL!!) because that would show that they dont know me very well.

The gifts that were given to me for my birthday were as follows: A snowglobe from my friend Alie, that has a picture of her 2.5 month old baby Tearah in it, and from Julian I got a 15 dollar gift card for Starbucks, from MJ I got a cross ornament, smarties bar (the explosion one), stickers, a ring pop, a Kitty Birthday Card, and a shower gel thing that is shaped as a sheep..hehe... and from Ben and Angel I got a card with pictures of friends on it, and inside was a check for 20 dollars and in the memo part it said "First Dance Class" (I am going to be taking West Coast Swing lessons in a couple weeks and it is 20 dollars per lesson) This almost made me cry because they all know me so well, which shows me that they love me. Not that gifts is what matters here, it is the fact that they knew me so well. It made me feel very loved.

So in two weeks I will be off to my very very very first West Coast Swing lesson. I am very excited! I haven't taken a dance class in 10 years, and that was classical work (ballet). This is ballroom (West Coast Swing) The Dance class goes as follows: 7-8pm West Coast Swing lesson, 8-9 Two Step (whatever that is) and then from 9-10:30pm for 3 dollars extra, there is a dance, where we can practice our skills! All for 20 dollars (plus the 3 for the dance part, but don't think i will be going to that on my very first lesson, but we will see) I pray that I will not chicken out after my first lesson. West Coast Swing is a very difficult dance to do (from what I have seen) but I am so up for the challenge and I know God will be there helping me all the way!

God Bless you all!

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