Saturday, June 02, 2007

Sorry this is a long one...but well worth the read

I was watching an old episode of House on TV was about a nun who mysteriously got this rash and an allergic reaction...and it turned out that she was allergic to something that was in her body (I wont say what because it would ruin the ending of the episode for you guys aha) but at one segment when they still hadn't found what was wrong..but she was quarentined in a sterolized room, and Dr Chase was in there talking with her and she asked if the nuns could come in and pray with her...and Dr Chase said that they couldn't come in because they were trying to find out what her bad allergy was so they weren't aloud he said he would pray with her. He then proceeded to tell her that he went to..shoot..I can't remember hte name of it...not a monostary...the other thing..for catholic men..well anyways...irrelevant... but she asked him what his favourite verse was..and he said

"These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world." 1 Peter 1:7

That verse really got me thinking...cuz I am feeling very attacked by the enemy this week....I just started my new job at Goodall Rubber and I love it, however, I am not learning stuff as fast as I would like to and therefore feel very incompetant. I am constantly having to ask my trainer what to do next with this or how do I do I realize that I have only worked there 3 days and I will be able to pick it up and I will be able to do it in my sleep...but its just that those 3 days last week words were popping into my head, and not good words....Satan was filling my head with lies like "you can't do this", "how do you expect to learn all this stuff in a month", "you are not going to do as good a job as her", "you are going to mess up". I felt very defeated on Friday when I came home (it was the end of my week).

I was very excited when I got a message from a friend saying that we were going to see Shrek the Third...I was exstatic because I had a hard week (3 days) at work and wanted to get out and do something that didn't make me think...but the thing was I couldn't spend this money that my mom gave me because she had given it to me for the weekend (she gave me 20) and I had alraedy spent 10 on coffee. And the ticket would have cost me 7 dollars..anyways..long story short..I was unable to I was quite bummed...and because of the work thing, coming home to nobody (mom at camp, dad at lecture and brother at work) I was quite I had a good cry... I actually cried more than I had in a while...maybe it was something I needed..

Anyways...then I texted a friend and asked if she could come over and hang out because I was lonely and had a hard day at work..and she said for me to get in a cab and come to metro and she would pay for the cab (which she did) , but I called the cab and went to set the alarm and lock the door and the doorknob fell off (we have been having a problem with it for a while) and so I lost it again.....and the phone rings saying my taxi is here. so I went outside (left the door open) and told the driver I would have to call another one and I apologized to him. I eventually got the door knob fixed so I called another cab and when i got there she and her brother said that we are going for dinner....and I had quite a good was a lot of fun.

On to today.. i went to dance which was good... but I didn't get inspired to dance (I guess for the most part I am a partner dancer now..) so many other thoughts were clouding my mind....and Joanne showed us a dance she was working on to the song "You are Still Holy" and I cried..the dancing was beautiful, but the words of the song were just so powerful. Here are some that got me:

"Holy, You are still holy,Even when the darkness surrounds my life. Sovereign, You are still sovereign. Even when confusion has blinded my eyes"

"Holy, You are still holy. Even though I don't understand Your ways. Sovereign You will be sovereign. Even when my circumstances don't change."

It is very matter how many bad things happened this weekend, God is still Holy. He is still Sovereign. Even if things don't look good for us He is still Holy. He is still All Powerful. He is still in control of us, and will never let us go. He still loves us.

I think the blog was too long and took too long to get to the point, but the point is so key.

But going back to 1 Peter 1:7 :
"These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world." 1 Peter 1:7

If we face trials, that means our faith is genuine. Because we were told that we would have trials. Even if we go through trials, we need to use them to strengthen us, not make us feel defeated...we need to keep pressing on towards the goal.

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