Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Counting my Blessings

Tonight was such a huge blessing and something I really needed. Today marks the 2 year anniversary of my good friend's death from Breast Cancer, I actually thought I was going to be upset about it and what not, but it turned out that I wasn't, and today was filled with blessings.

I have been dealing with a couple friends who I am having to act as a counselor to and its stressing me out. But tonight at dance I was able to forget all of that and just dance and boy was I having a GREAT time. I didn't think I would like the Hustle, it was a dance that originated in the 70's (way before my time) and it sorta got phased out, but we are doing it in dance class. I am getting that more than the West Coast Swing steps. West Coast Swing is the hardest dance to learn and many people have told me that. I am sticking with it though. But the Hustle, oh man it is just so much fun. When West Coast Swing was over they played one song of that to dance to and then one song of Hustle to warm up. I thought I did pretty well with it. It was so amazing to dance and feel like I was understanding and actually looking good doing it LOL. So much fun. I did that during the warm up and then I stay for a few songs after the lessons are over because my bus doesn't come til 35 minutes after class ends. I was struggling with the pivet turns, but I think I ended up getting it at the end! YAY!

Anyways..that wasn't really what I was going to blog about... but that was actually a blessing, being able to understand the moves! Woot! Anyways... When we were on the bus it was starting to rain (on the way TO dance) and then by the time we got there it was POURING..like...not just raining..it was POURING. Angel and I were a little anxious about that because we both didn't have umbrellas so ya... We prayed that it would stop by the end, and when dance class was over and we walk outside it had stopped fully. It was that refreshing smell of after the rain. Beautiful.

And about the 2 year anniversary. I chose not to be sad and I have lit my candle that I got from Avon (that donated 100% to Breast Cancer research) currently. The glow reminds me to thank God that I am healthy and to thank God for Janis' life.

God has a plan for my life and I am going to wait and see what he has in store for me. On Sunday my life verse was spoken again (yes Karyn, i did notice that LOL) and it reminded me of this. Not knowing is such a blessing actually, not having control is a good thing because then we don't have to worry about it or stress about it. It's very exciting but also scary not knowing what is ahead, but bring it on LORD!

Thank you God for that blessing and the many blessings you continue to give to me and my friends' in their lives. I love you! Thank you for giving me patience to deal with those two friends as well because you know that without you I would have lost my patience and said something I shouldn't have. Thank you for continuing to teach my daily what I need to do and thank you for unveiling your plan for my life day to day.

Jeremiah 29:11-13 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

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