Sunday, April 22, 2007


I apologize in advance, but this stuff needs to come out and there was no other way to get this out because it might be how other people are feeling, so I thought I would post.....

Have you ever felt that you don't have the support from your own church? I am feeling that quite strongly at the church I attend on Sunday nights. I don't feel that I have support from that congregation. Except for maybe 1 or 2 people and thats it. I don't feel that other people are approachable to talk to to ask for prayer or stuff like that because they go off in a group and I wouldn't want to break up the fun, either that or people are getting prayer and are busy... For instance, tonight.... crazy things happened and have kinda been shocking for me and it sucks a lot, and I was upset.... I was praying and wanted to talk to someone about it and ask them to pray over me, but anyone who I thought of talking to had their own issues to deal with and I didn't want to burden them with my stuff (I didn't think it was fair to) or they were busy with their group of friends, so I didn't want to intrude.

The church is supposed to help people are they not? The church is supposed to be supportive of every member are they not? I have tried my best to help people, and many people know that I support them and pray for them and pray with them and all that. But when I am feeling overwhelmed and drained and tired and feeling just plain crappy, does anyone come and ask if they can pray over me or even ask if I want to talk about it? No... What ever happened to things happening mutually? I don't feel that I should have to go down to the mercy seat to get prayer, I don't feel that I have to necessarily make that step because some people (i feel) abuse that just to get people to pray with them and get attention...SOME people..not all... and I don't want to be looked at as just wanting attention. I just want to know that someone in my own church actually cares enough to ask if I am ok if I don't look like I am ok...

Ok venting done..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Father send your Holy Spirit upon your daughter Christine and give her your peace and love that surpasses all understanding. Fill her with your love so that she may be content in all circumstances and radiate that divine love to all those around her. Grant that she may always know that you are with her, no matter how difficult or impossible things seem. Grant this through Christ Jesus our Lord and your Son. Amen.

You can always feel free to talk to me...sorry I haven't given that impression lately. Don't worry about being a burden...I honestly don't mind.
God bless.