Sunday, July 31, 2005

Not caring what people think of you

Its taken me a long time to realize this, but I could care less about what people think of me. For instance, think about this situation and how funny it sounds: Picture this- 4 girls in Lei's and one in a hawaiian skirt wrap thing walking down the street going to the store to buy toilet paper. How funny does that sound? I must admit i did think twice about taking the lei off...however did not happen. I wanted to have a little fun. ANd boy did i ever have fun. I wasnt caring what other people think of me. I dont care if they think that me and my friends are weird for wearing such weird things. I dont care if they think i am fat. I will tell them to keep their opinions to themselves (actually, i wont SAY that most of the time, but I will WANT to, my confidence level is still a little low)

The only person that you should care about and what they think of you is God. And everyone knows how he feels about you! God loves everyone, he made everyone perfect in his sight! If you think you are ugly and fat then you are saying that God's creation is ugly and nothing in his creation is ugly! So in an instant you are actually insulting God not yourself.

If people make fun of me for shopping at lets say Walmart (some people despise walmart, i LOVE it hehe) I will just ignore the comment because i know that Wal mart is a good place to shop because there are great deals there and if you dont have a lot of money, its a great place to get the things you need. Its actually a great store. Now i am not going to go on anymore about Walmart cuz thats not why im writing this blog. The fact is I could care less if people know that I need to shop there for the things i need (materialistically speaking: clothing, food etc etc) Its not below my dignity to shop there. For some people it might be. anyways.....

The bottom line is God loves you just the way you are and you are HIS creation and so the next time u are going to insult yourself, think, because remember that if you are insulting yourself, you are really insulting God. And God doesnt deserve to be insulted, he deserves to be given praise for his wonderful creation!

*So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them~ Genesis 1:27*


Victory of the People said...

so true...yet sometimes i forget...thanks for the reminder

Ginger Ale said...

Thats really true!! God loves everyone alright! And you know me I don't care what pple thonk of me cause God created me the way I am, And he loves me, and thats all that mattters! God is good! And, great blog! hehehe! Lol!!

Christine said...

yes, God loves you....silly quirks and all hehe......"lets not speak of this again" aha...i cant even remember half the stuff you said that too haha...remember the curling iron incident ahaha

Ginger Ale said...

We do not speak of that!! Or bad things will happen to me!!! Your lips are sealed!!