Friday, July 29, 2005

Its official!

Its official eveyone! I have GRADUATED with honor standing. Praise the Lord, I made it through high school! I needed at LEAST 40 % on my biology exam to pass BIO 12. Well i got 41%. I studied really hard for the test, but still didnt pass 50% but i am happy that i passed the year! HALLELUJAH! YAY off to college for me in september.

CONGRATULATIONS ANGEL ON GRADUATING WITH HONORS!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! She beat me in COM...she got 80% on her comm test! GREAT JOB! I got 74. You're really smart Angel! Good Job!

k gotta go now. BYEEEE

1 comment:

Ginger Ale said...

I'm so proud of both you and Angel!! Wooohooo!! Rock on! Lots of love!