Monday, July 18, 2005

Volunteering is a Blessing in Disguise and other ramblings

I cant believe people these days. I just finished watching "hell's Kitchen" Its not a very good name, but it sure fits the description of the chef. MEAN. He yells at everyone of the chefs and insults their dishes. Hes worse than Simon Cowell. But anyways, Elsie (one of the chefs) did a really good job anmd so far in the competition of winning their own restaurant Elsie has won 5 challenges. Tonight the challenge was to make something delicious out of the leftovers from the previous night. Everyone else did some flashy thing and barely used taste and barely used any ingredients. Elsie made chicken soup and used almost all the leftovers. And she won the challenge and got to go on a Talk Show to cook something. The other 4 people werre really bitter at her because they wanted to do that. So consequently they did not talk to her or help her out that night when it came to being a team and working together to get a whole restaurants meals out to them, which eventually lead to Elsie breaking down and Chef Ramsey brought her aside and told her to take a breather and said that he believed in her and all that good stuff. So she went and took a breather. She came back still frazzled. Didnt get very much out. And yet at the ened when it came to elimination, Chef asked her if she felt like she hjad her whole tems support that night, she said yes, after avoiding the question 2 times. They didnt support her at all butr yet she said that they did so that nobody else got in trouble, when clearly the rest should have got kicked off.

Why is it that when we are in competition with eachother we tend to be mean and ruthless? Why is it when someone else wins something that you didnt, you are bitter behind their back and are fake and say "good job" to their face? Why cant we be genuine? Cant people get over the fact that they cant win at anything and just some people deserve to win more than others. Some people eanred their place where they are. Nobody should be bitter about anything!

Anyways on to a happier note'--

As I wonder what God's plan is for me and why do I do what I do I get reminded of why I do what I do. (if that makes any sense at all)

I currently hold 4 volunteer jobs:
-Royal City Humane Society- Bosleys on Saturdays
- Shelter on Tuesdays
-Daycamp at CHT-Mondays, Wednesday and Friday mornings
-Buchanan Lodge on Friday afternoons soon to be all day fridays

I was always wondering, am I just meant to get rave reviews from people i volunteer for? (I got a really nice reference letter from the lady that works for RCHS.) I am always getting thanked for doing all the volunteer jobs that I do, but I think " Am I just meant to volunteer my whole life?"

I need a paid job, but its usually the volunteer jobs that are most rewarding. Even if I dont get paid, its so much of a blessing. Working for the shelter, you get to make the cats lives happier. I know that sounds cheesy but we are their family until they get a home. There is this one cat at the shelter, she came to us with matted fur and so they shaved her of the matts and she is growing her hair back and is fully healthy. She was scrounging for food and everything. Now she has a nice warm place to be while she searches for a forever home. We nurse the cats back to health and make them happy so they can be put in a really nice home. We dont adopt the cats out to just anyone. We make sure that the cats are right for the owners. Its really rewarding working for RCHS because you can see the difference made in the cats lives. You can see the change in them from when they first came to the shelter. Suzie, nhow thats a crazy cat...she was NUTS when she came here a year and a few months go. She had a REALLY REALLY big attitude and hated everybody. But now, FINALLY, she is fine (sorta) When the volunteers come to the shelter they let Suzie out in the closed garage and she is really quite happy (dshe doesnt like other cats) I think im just rambling now, So i will move on.

Buchanan Lodge- So rewarding, us being there (the TR's and the volunteers) makes their lives so much happier. Although you do have to go home and have a good cry sometimes tho. Last week i went there and i was going to bring a guy (cant name names) to Bingo, he always loves coming to Bingo, but last week he was having a really rough weel, I asked him if he wanted to come to Bingo and he said "No, I dont, i just want to cry" and then he started crying, it still hurts me. I dont like seeing people upset, and that just broke my heart. But i couldnt stop and cry, I wanted to, but i had to go on with business. But when i got home i had a good cry. Its just really sad to know that sometimes people dont have a good day, but the other seniors there when they are having a good day, you can see that they are happy that we are there. If they didnt have recreation programs they would sit around all day and do nothing pretty much. If there is no motivation to do stuff they will sit there and feel sorry for themselves. If there are activities going, they can take part and be happy. Get up and do stuff you know? If you keep yourself busy you forget that you are depressed, I learned that one and thats how i got so many volunteer jobs.

Daycamp- Thats a tough one to say that it is rewarding, but there are moments when your like "this is why i help out" Today i was sitting watching some kids outside, and a little girl who is 5 came up to me and she had colored me a picture of a lamb (if you all know me i LOVE lambs) and i was so happy. It shows that we are appreciated even if they dont come right out and say it. And occasionally the leaders will come to you and say you are doing a good job.

But dont get me wrong, I do not do the work for the praise. I do it so i can make peoples(and cats :) ) lives happier. I do it so i can make a difference in their lives.

Lord, I hope that when I do get a paying job that I wont let money get to my head. That I wont make that WHY I am doing the job. That my attitude will be "I hope that these people or cat's lives are happier, I hope that some cats get adopted" instead of "whens my paycheque coming and what am i going to spend it on" I really dont want that to happen, so Father help me to keep a level head when i get a job and that i wont let the money aspect be why i work somewhere, that it will be to make a difference in peoples lives. AMEN

Im sorry if that doesnt make any sense (the blog) because i am extremely tired, and my eyes are slamming shut and giving me a headache, so maybe i should go to sleep eh?

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

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