Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Live as One
by Rhythm and News

Sisters and brothers
Why do we keep wasting time
Arguing our differences
Putting friendships on the line
Is it worth all the heart ache?
Is it worth all the pain
When everything is lost at war
And nothings ever gained
Do we think that all this fighting will finally bring us peace
When words of pain and anger cause rejection to recringe

How can his love be shown
How can his voice be heard
If we havent got the strengeth rto say one soothing word
How can we live as one
When we cant forgive our friends
Only words of love
Because our hearts still mend

Still we want mistrusting friends
We watch relations slip away
Oh how life could be good
If we watch the words we said
Pointing fingers telling lies to justify our causeInstead of building bridges we just calculate our loss

We need communication
Just let our brother live
A life with one less heart ache
Could be lost if we forgive


How can his love be shown if i dont take time
And use his words instead of mine
How can his love be known
If i dont take time
To use his words instead of mine

Chorus (x2)

I love this song, its so true too. We say we have problems and stuff but yet we dont ask Him to help us with them so we are pretty much ASKING for more problems. As it says "Still we want mistrusting friends" because we dont do anything about it. If we have mistrusting friends they arent friends at all so why do we still have them? All they are going to do is hurt us. Its true that how can his love be shown if I wont take time to use HIS words instead of mine. So many times when people are having problem they go to their friends instead of God. So many people ask their friends for advice instead of going to the bible and seeing what God has to say through that. Asking friends for advice is still great. But not if you ask them for advice more than you talk to God to help you through it.

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