Thursday, July 28, 2005

God's Comfort

There are so many things that happen in our lives that bring us back to what God does. Its so awesome.

My brothers darling little cat is not doing great. A few weeks back she had to be brought to the vet because of glaucoma and a kidney infection. Well, today we had to bring her back because yesterday night she was walking REALLY weird. Yes normally she walks weird because of the glaucoma but she is walking weirder than normal. So we brought her to the vet, and she was in the carrier and when she meowed i would comfort her and i was constantly reminding her that everything is ok. So i prayed over her yesterday! Because i know that NO prayer is stupid! SO i prayed over her and asked God to take away any pain that she might have, and i asked him to help her be able to see. The vet says glaucoma is irriversible but i believe that God has the ability to make PEOPLE see again so i believe he can make ANIMALS see again too!

Anyways, she isnt eating unless we bring her to the food because it hurts really bad for her to walk anywhere. She has arthritis in her hips and it was made worse (aggrivated) by -what my mom is guessing- a fall down the basement stairs. She cant walk down the stairs very well because she cant see. And when she walks down the stairs she "bunny buts" it down there. She walks with both front paws down normally and then with her back paws she kinda jumps...cuz it hurts to move her we knew it was arthritis so its worse now. and so she is now on pain killers and im taking tomorrow off of work ( Daycamp and buchanan) because i want to stay with her so she doesnt hurt herself. All the other members of my family are going to work so i decided to take care of her.

I feel like a mom because im really feeding her every couple hours. (not food) but i put water in a sippy cup (one of Calebs that we bought for him, he wont mind that we use the one for Sherbert hehe) And i pretty much put her in my arms like a baby and feed it to her like a baby. Its really cute. Although she does fight a bit because she doesnt liek being on her back. But it hurts her to be on all fours to eat and stuff so she wont eat because she doesnt want pain. So i have to feed her until the pain goes away (she has meds again) On the way back from the vet and costco (i had to sit in the car with her while mom shopped) I had her out of the carrier and on my lap. She fell asleep for a little bit in my arms.

Anyways, it took a long time to get to the point, sorry. But this situation is so much like what God does for us. When we are in pain or scared, God comforts us. He will embrace us and tell us that everything is going to be ok. If we are hurting he will do everything he can to help us not hurt. He truly is the God of all comfort. I love that song "God of all comfort" Because that song is so true, he is faithful and true. He will comfort us whenever we are uncomfortable or in pain or scared. He will heal us when we are sick. Thank you, Jesus!

* Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. ~ 2 Corinthians 1: 2-4 ~ *


Ginger Ale said...

That is so sweet! Great blog! God is there to comfort us always! And your right no prayer is stupid! Lots of love!

Ginger Ale said...

Oh ya, could you put a link for my blog on your blog, so pple will know I acctually have a blog?! Thanks!