Saturday, July 16, 2005

Community is cool

I know this sounds familiar

Today was my brother's birthday BBQ. A whole pile of my friends came over and we hung out. We took Caleb to the park (my good friends baby) and he puked on me, so we came home again. There was Angel, MJ, Samera, April, Ashley, Mia and Naomi & Caleb,Johnny, Leon, Chris and Scott there and then later Jen, Jill and David showed up. That was really fun. It was really fun hanging out in community. Laughing, we played a game...well Mia, April,MJ, Samera and I played a game of cards. Then lots of people left, and it was just a little group of us left. We were just laughing it was great. my brother put on his loud music and David and Jill started singing and playing the guitar with Jen's 2 crutches. It was really funny to watch. I needed a good laugh. Then David was trying to convince Mia of something then they were going to get up cuz they were going to a movie and David fell off his chair......he said he meant to fall a little and didnt mean to fall really hard. I laughed really hard (he wasnt hurt by the way thats why i laughed i wouldnt have laughed if he was hurt) It was just his dignity that was broken LOL...... But sharing in laughs is really healthy to keep people happy. and if someone is depressed its good to hang out with friends (especially my friends) because they are funny and will make you laugh and make you happy.

Community is defined as (from :

A group of people living in the same locality and under the same government.
The district or locality in which such a group lives.
A group of people having common interests: the scientific community; the international business community.
A group viewed as forming a distinct segment of society: the gay community; the community of color. or Christianity ( that part i added)
Similarity or identity: a community of interests.
Sharing, participation, and fellowship.

Society as a whole; the public.

We share the same interests. We all are christians and therefore we are a part of the Christian community. Sharing in community is very important for spiritual growth. If you are around people in the Christian community you will grow spiritually and can help others grow spiritually.

Thats my ramble for the day. now time to watch a chick flick and have a good cry ((( its "A Walk to Remember" That movie always makes me cry, she dies thats so sad:( )))

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