Friday, July 29, 2005

Patience is a virtue

I'm still learning patience. Its a difficult thing for me.

For example since my brothers cat is sick, i took today off from volunteering at the daycamp and seniors center to stay home and take care of her. I have to make sure she doesnt fall down the stairs etc etc. And i have to make sure she eats and drinks. Anyways, she is on 3/4 of a pill for 4 days......It has to be fed every 24 hours for the next 4 days and it has to be fed by mouth..... ya, easy for the vets to say, they are experienced in forcing a cat to take something they dont want. I mix the pill with her food, she will lick AROUND the pills...seriously, i mixed it in with a little bit of food and she ate AROUND it, licked the pills clean......frustrating. So then i had to try to force her jaw open (touching just at the side adn she will try to nibble your hand cuz she doesnt like that) to try to get it in, and she spits it out. My mom is the ONLY one that can feed her a just is not working out. And its helping me learn patience. I kinda lost my cool a little bit, not too much because i love this cat to death and she is ill so i cant get too mad. She is punished enough, having arthritis etc etc.

Its so much like what God does for us. We are such PAINS a lot of the time and he has such patience with us. He doesnt loose his cool and get mad at us. He is slow to get angry and so rich in love for us. Even if we defy him by not doing what he wants us to he still loves us. He still is patient with us. Amen! Thank you, Father!

*"The Lord is gracious and compassionate. Slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made" ~Psalm 145: 8-9~*

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