Sunday, July 24, 2005

What a beautiful day

Well today was an awesome day. Well this whole weekend has been awesome. We went to Whiterock Corps to see the Dalleys (our family :) ) and after that we went to Crescent Beach (no parking at Whiterock Beach) and then came home

Naomi's sermon today totally tied in to what Karyn told us at Refuge on tuesday night: about being humble, and how to be humble: serving others. Naomi was talking about the value of service. I think thats confirmation Karyn. He he he its so cute, when we arrived the sign said "welcoming new officers Captains Mark and Naomi Dalley and 1 yr old Caleb. awwwwwwwwww....when we arrived there Naomi was very happy she was smiling a lot she was suprised. But you should have seen Caleb. I have never seen him smile that big. If you know Caleb he smiles a lot but he smiled BIGGER than ive ever seen. wow. hes so cute. Hes walking A LOT now.....

After church, Naomi invited us over to their new place. WOW their house is PRETTY!!!! Its beige and red on the outside.......its beautiful! We had a mini bbq, they had hamburgers and hot dogs, i had a chicken breast. I was breaking a lot of rules this weekend (pizza on friday, chicken today....bah) But anyways, We talked for a long was awesome. I fed Caleb his lunch again :) its so hard to do cuz he was doing rasberries, i got more of it on me than in his mouth but anyways LOL......Then he went to have a nap, and we chatted for a bit longer. It was a great convorsation. They are very excited about things in the church, but again they are upset at what the previous people had done when they were there.....but it was a great convorsation.

Then we left there around 3, and we drove around for like 40 minutes trying to find Whiterock beach then we found it, NO PARKING ANYWHERE! So we drove to Crescent Beach and hung out there, had an ice cream and dipped our feet in the WARM water. It wasnt cold like Davis Bay in Sechelt...WOW! I stepped on a lot of shells and stuff so my feet are sore and dry, but i had so much fun. its so cool the people by us had their 22 month old there at the beach, he was having an awesome time playin around. I love watching kids having a good time playing. I got a bit burned on my arm...dunno about my legs......i always burn, i never tan...NEVER. Even with the self tanning spray....

Then we left there and went to the store to get dinner, then i went to grandmas again cuz when i was over there this weekend i left my notebook there (the one i write notes about the sermons...VERY important to have.) Then we came home and relaxed....

Its so nice to have a relaxing weekend. Full of laughs, fun and awesomeness hehe. The Lord is good for allowing a relaxing weekend. Praise the Lord for creating the beach! hehe. Its weekends like this that i sit or stand in awe at God's creation. Being at the breach looking at the mountains. Awesome beauty! This weekend God has taught me to let go of my problems, or stresses of the week and just RELAX! Awesome! K i gotta go now, im going to weatch a movie with my parents and then go to bed, pretty tired. Ready for tomorrow! BRING IT ON! Byee and God Bless!


Victory of the People said...

sounds fun!
The fellowship of the believers is something else eh!

Christine said...
