Monday, July 11, 2005

Letting it all out

TV shows have a strange way of sending messages to us. They can be good or bad. But in this case...its good. Im just watching 7th Heaven. Its where Annie has to take a weekend to herself because everything at home is stressing her out with her family and her dad having alzheimers and all that. and she was hanging out at the beach at the hotel that she was at and she met a friend and she told her the whole story. and the lady was telling her to just dont keep it in, to let the tears flow. let them go. I keep holding it inside because i dont want to show that i am hurt and upset. but i am. I always ahve to be happy for everyone. they ask how i am but do they really care? If i siad i was horrible would they have the time to ask how come? or if i am good would they ask why..dont know. anyways, thats my rambling tonight. so im going to go to bed can wear you out haha......but i love it. i gotta get a howling cat.....Sherbert does that when she gets lonely. poor girl...gotta cuddle..byee

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