Saturday, July 23, 2005


I have learned that no prayer is stupid in God's eyes. Considering he made all things, he cares about all things.

The other day at church I was really upset because my brother's cat is very very sick...well not sick, but getting frustrated because she cant see, so she is walking into everything.....I can tell that she is getting frustrated because she will sit at the bottom of the stairs instead of trying to walk up them..she will howl until someone comes to get here and brings her upstairs....anyways. I was very upset because I love that cat very much. I love all cats, but the ones I own are very dear to me. I was praying to God and asking him to heal her completely because, yes I know she is old, but I want a few more years with her. And the first thing I said to him was "I know this is stupid but...." He immediatly replied that no prayer request is stupid in His sight...I was like, yea ok....Then a friend came and prayed with me and I told her what was going on and she said the same thing "No prayer is stupid" Confirmation

I felt that if I told my friends to pray for my brother's cat they would laugh in my face, because a few years ago, a friend asked us to pray for her cat, but her tail was hurt or something, and the cell group laughed when she asked......So I felt that if I asked people to pray for my brother's cat that they would laugh at me, so I kept it in for a long time. But since her health was getting worse, I thought I should get my friends praying for her too...So i did....and now they are praying for her and she is getting better. She went to the hospital last week for 24 hours to go on an IV drip to remove toxins from her body, because when my brother got her from RCHS (YAY RCHS!!) she was FAT.......she has lost alot of weight and apparently her kidney's weren't working because of that.....weird i know. So they put her on a LOW protien diet (thats gonna make her lose weight, in my mind she doesnt need to lose weight) And it turns out she is allergic to the pills that they gave her...she was sneezing like 6 times in a row.......but shes off those pills now, so once htey are out of her system it should be better. She has glaucoma, and thats not going to get better, but its not going to get any worse....her eye isnt cloudy anymore, but there is film over it.......and the doctor says she can see out of the other eye, but i seriously doubt it cuz she is still walking into walls.....but meh...dunno.....

Anywho, wow I have talked a lot. Having a Caramel Frap is not good for me was a light tho..haha....that has nothing to do with the sugar and caffeine in it tho, im wired!! And i get to go to whiterock tomorrow to see my baby ( hehe.....) and go to the beach! YAY!!

Ill pray for God to give me a verse regarding no request being stupid in His eyes....Ill put it in here tonight if i get a verse...if u have any verses that regard this, please comment.. :)


Victory of the People said...

hey dont feel stupid

i just finsihed praying and fasting for the healing of a dog!

Victory of the People said...

psalm 20:5
and God will grant all your requests therefor impling there is no request to big,to small or too stupid

Christine said...

Thanks Nicole! Your da best! When r u coming to visit from Victoria? It seems like forever since ive seen you..but ur always faithful to reply to my blogs thanks

Inquistive sentiment said...

Your right! No prayer is stupid! He wants us to be happy and if your cat being sick makes you sad then he wants to fix it so you can be happy!