Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Ok, so here's the issue. My brother's cat Sherbert's eye was "glued" shut in her left eye a few weeks ago. Then a couple weeks ago she started walking into walls and my brother brought her to the vet to get checked. She got some blood work done and they told him that they will find out the results tomorrow. She has got glaucoma (sp?) in her left eye. They are not sure why she is walking into walls and such cuz the vets say she can see out of the other eye. So later this evening, Dorreen (the lady in charge of the company i work for and where my brother got Sherbert) phoned him and told him that they got the blood work back and they think that she has a Kidney Infection and so he needs to bring Sherbert back to the vet at 2 tomorrow and leave her there over night to go on a low protein diet (apparently she needs to loose weight, i think she needs to gain, shes so skinny) and to go on Intervenus (IV). I dont know who this is going to be rougher on, our family or her. We have loved that cat since my brother brought her to our house and said that he adopted her. She is such a joy. I know she will be ok after they treat her but i am still extremely worried because a Kidney Problem is very very serious. In humans and in cats. My dad almost died of a kidney infection when he was young. Its a very serious problem but I trust that God will take care of her. God will make sure that nothing bad happens and that He will make sure that Sherbert only gets the best treatment and that she will be back to normal soon (except the walking into walls-glaucoma-, thats irreversible) But she will be back to normal. Healthy weight etc. She is still a happy cat, nothing has changed in her attitude. I think she is a bit depressed tho because she is sleeping almost all day. Sleeping too much is a sign for depression, in humans and in cats.

God is the only one who knows the plan. God is the only one who knows whats going to happen to our Sherbert. That makes me uneasy because I dont know what will happen to our girl. But i trust that everything will work out. I will pray and pray and pray!
1st Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you

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