Friday, July 01, 2005


I hate not being able to get to sleep! ARGH BRAIN SHUT UP!! Thoughts keep running through my head. I have to get up in 5 hours and i went to bed at 11 and i STILL cant get to sleep...its taken an hour so far and i am SO exhausted and i am crying cuz i want to sleep. I am DESPERATE!!!!!! I NEED TO SLEEP!!!!!! I tried praying, looking at the ceiling, typing on the computer but nothing is working so here i sit crying like a stupid wimp alll cuz i havent been sleeping well. if it was any other day i would be fine, ill stay up and then sleep in, but no its on a day that i have to get up at 630 to go to my grandmas. OF COURSE. Its the depression i think, people have said that one of the symptoms of depression is lack of sleep......well THATS ME AND I HATE IT! HELP?!??!?! Is there a doctor i could go see to get something to help me sleep!?!?!?! IM DESPERATE!!!!! AHHH..sorry to anyone reading this, i get really weird at night..especially when i RAELLY REALLY REALLY want to sleep **sigh** off i go to try again to get to sleep. God Bless


Stop CPR said...

yea, i know how it feels... i went like that for almost o whole year, i thought i was gonna die, hope you get better.

Christine said...

thanks. its not getting better but hopefully soon