Thursday, November 03, 2005

Purpose Driven Life chapter 40

Chapter 40: Living with Purpose

Something to remember: Living on purpose is the only way to REALLY live. Everything else is just existing.

Verse to remember: "Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them" John 13:17

Something that was impactful:
Once you know what God wants you to do, the blessing comes in actually doing it.

What will be the centre of my life? God! Who am i going to live my life for? God! What am i going to build my life around? Worshipping God, bringing other people to him, bring him pleasure, serving his people! To keep Him the centre of my life I need to continue to worship him!

What will the the character of my life? Christlike character! What kind of person will i be? A person who worships God through ANYTHING I am going through. I wnat to be the kind of person who gives and gives and gives!!

What will be the contribution of my life? Using my gifts to help people! Using what i have learned to teach others. What will be my ministry in the Body of Christ? I would like to be the birthday card person of my church. I love getting birthday cards from people for my birthday with a nice little message in it. So i want to make other people happy by giving them birthday cards on their birthdays. What will be my role in the family of God? I have been told that i have a gift of encouragement so i will use my gift of encouragement to encourage people (giving them encouragement books etc) How will i make a difference? I hope to encourage people so they are not discouraged! Is there a specific group in the Body that I am shaped to serve? Youth and Seniors.

What wil be the communication of my life? I will invite people to come to church. I have been talkin to a friend of mine at school about God, he is a Christian too and I am sharing with him what God has done in my life ( i shared on tuesday with him about Jeremiah 29:11-14 and what happened with that verse) I will live out what i talk about. I wont just be a talker, i will be a walker!

What will be the community of my life? How will i demonstrate my commitment to other believers and connection to the family of God? I will continue to encourage others and if someone is sick or feeling sad i will encourage them by making them something encouraging. Where will i practice the "one another" commands with other Christians? At my church, at my house and my school! To which church family will you be joined as a functioning member? New Westminster Corps.

I want to serve God's purposess in MY generation!!! Will I be a person God can use for his purposes? YES. Will i serve God's purposes in my generation? YES!!!

Man, this book has been life changing! I am going to continue to go more in depth with it even after the whole study is over! I will forever live out my purpose.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you!! You're all up to date!! You rock!!