Monday, November 21, 2005

Its Not about Me chapter 10

Chapter 10: My salvation is about Him

The work of Christ is the bungee cord for the soul. Trust it and take the plunge! I personally DO NOT LIKE the thought of attaching myself to a cord and jump off a bridge. That is not my idea of a fun time! I just need to think of the work of Christ as a bungee cord. I need to trust him and take a chance!

On our own, we're spiritually sunk!

Max told a story about sailors who were dumped overboard when their ship blew up. We are equally helpless as they were when some died and some were waiting to die in the cold water. We are submerged. not in Salt water but in sin. We need to be lifted up- not out of the ocean but out of our failures.

We don't have what it takes to save our lives. We are not strong enough nor big enough. We don't need muscles; we need a miracle. (pg 102)

Max asks a question "Do you think that your baptism and Sunday attendance will be enough to save you?"

Your salvation showcases God's mercy. It makes nothing of your effort but everything of his.

And remember this one thing:

It's not about what we do; it's all about what he does.

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