Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It's not about me chapter 6

Chapter 6: His Unchanging Hand

This is obvious, with life comes change. With change comes fear, insecurity, pain, stress. So what do you do? Run away? take no risks of failing? Some do. But the better choice is to look up. Set your bearings on the one and only North Star in the universe-- God. For though life changes, He never does. He never changes! Amen!

God never tires and never sleeps (Psalm 121:4) He never signals a time out or puts the prayer requests from Russia on hold while he handles South Africa.

The word of our God shall stand forever (Isaiah 40:8)
The Scripture cannot be broken (John 10:35)

God's ways will never be changed. God will always be the same, yesterday today and forever. Hey that's a song. I think it was sung at youth councils "Yesterday, today and forever, you are the same, you never change." God will always hate sin and love sinners. He will always be the same! Its us who change! Not him! No matter what humanity does, it wont stop his plan -born in eternity. It will always withstand any attack of humanity.

The cross will never lose its power. The blood of Christ will not fade in strength. Heaven will never announce the collapse of the bridge! Amen!

With life comes change. But with change comes the reassuring appreciated of heaven's permanence. His firm foundation stands: (2 Timothy 2:19). His house will stand forever.


1 comment:

Ginger Ale said...

I'm really proud that you are being self diciplined to continually keep up with posting these daily readings! Good job!! love ya lots!!