Monday, November 21, 2005

Its Not about Me chapter 7

Ok heres the chapters i missed. Again, very sorry..

Chapter 7: God's Great Love

God's love is fresh and so pure! One swallow slackens the thirsty throat and softens the crusty heart. Immerse a life in God's love, and watch it emerge cleansed and changed. We know the impact of God's love. But do we know the volume? No, no person has ever measured it. (pg 70)

Does God love you? Behold the cross, and behold your answer. (pg 71)

Ephesians 5:2 says "[God the Son] loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God"

God loves us with an unfailing love! Isn't that exciting?? I think so! His love NEVER fails! We might fail, but God NEVER does!

Think about this.... if its all about you, then its all up to you. God rescues us from that burden! While we are valueable, we are not essential. We are important not not indespensable!

God loves us too much to give us more than we can handle. There is a verse that says something like that but i cant think of it right now. anyways... He knows our limitations and he is well aware of our weaknesses. God loves us way to much to say that its all about us! I certainly dont know what it takes to run the world, and Max says that we are wise to leave the work to God's hands!

To say that its not about us is not to say that we are not loved; quite the contrary, its because God loves us that its not about us!

A diver will go to the depths of the ocean to find the oceans bottom (the limit) And when it comes to water, we will find waters limit, but when it comes to God's love, we never will!

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