Saturday, November 05, 2005


"God can use whatever we surrender"

I was sitting down at the prayer meeting on Tuesday morning and that statement caught my eye. So i picked up the newspaper (christian news) article and started reading it. It was about a man named David Bentall and his son Jon. It starts off by saying: " I am not a hockey player, I don't consider myself much of a missionary and I definitly dont speak Slovak! So you might say it was a bit out of the ordinary, tat i would find myself on a hockey missions trip to Slovakia this winter" David decided that if God can use a few loaves of bread and a few fish to feed 5,000 that he could use him on this trip! The hockey team had made a banner for their team. Before the game the Mayor came to David and thanked him for helping to bring peace and understand between the countries (canada and slovakia) and she told him that "Only Jesus Christ can bring real peace to individuals, as well as to countries" It was neat to hear that two countries were coming together to bring peace.

Now i bet your did God use David on this trip? Well, he helped look after the team's equipment, and was responsible for refilling the teams water bottles between periods. He was happy to do what he was asked to do. He didn't play hockey, nor did he speak Slovak but there he was at a hockey tournament in Slovakia. But God used him to help the team.

He puts it really nicely at the end of this article: " We all need love, we all need God's guidance and presence in our lives; and we all need to surrender all we have, and all we hope for, to him.... God wants us to surrender our lives to Him" Sooooo true! It doesnt matter what we can't do. It matters what we can do! We need to ask God to use our abilities for his glory! God can use anything we surrender to him, whether it be our money, our time, our service..anything.... We dont have to be world class sports players, we need to be world class Christians!

God can use whatever we surrender to him so let us surrender what we have to him for his glory!

"Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." ~ Romans 12:1-2 (NAS)


Anonymous said...

Nice blog!!

Ginger Ale said...

Amazing Blog!!!

Anonymous said...

YOU rock the show!!

Anonymous said...

Wow.. You have some pretty cool stuff to say!! keep it up!!