Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It's not about me chapter 4

Chapter 4: Holy Different

God's holiness commands headline attention! (pg 38) Amen! He is holy, holy, holy! Hes the Alpha and the Omega and we need to bring headline attention to that. Its not just old or unimportant news! It needs to be spread like wildfire across the nations!

The Hebrew word for holy is "qadosh" which means cut off or seperate. God is definitly seperate. God is unique, different from the world he has made. He is not just any ordinary man. He is HOLY!!

He told us to make a paper airplane and then challenge it to a basketball game, spelling bee or a board game. Of course, we will win over all of that because the paper airplane is an inadimate object and doesnt move unless we fly it. It only exists because you formed it and flies only when someone throws it. Multiply the contrasts between you and the paper plane by infinity, and you will begin to catch a glimpse of the disparity between God and us. Now I dont know what "disparity" means, and for those of you who dont know what it means... it means.

dis·par·i·ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-spr-t)n. pl. dis·par·i·ties
The condition or fact of being unequal, as in age, rank, or degree; difference: “narrow the economic disparities among regions and industries” (Courtenay Slater).
Unlikeness; incongruity.

Any pursuit of God's counterpart is vain. Any search for a godlike person or position on earth is futile. No one and nothing compares with him. That makes total sense to me. That is something I struggled with a few months ago. I was more dependant on my youth pastor than I was dependant on God. I wasnt seeking God fully. I was seeking a godlike person on earth! That should NOT be. I should be seeking God and God alone! I should be depending on HIM to help me through times of struggle. Yes I can ask my friends to pray for me/with me. But I should be seeking God first! I shouldnt just be depending on them to intercede! I need to ask God to help me first before I ask other people to ask him for that. I hope that made sense!

We need to know that we were not created for our own sake. We were not created "just because" Revelation 4:11 says "You created everything, and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created" We were created for HIS pleasure; not our own! And until we get that, our lives are meaningless.

Wow this hit me like a tonne of bricks. The veil that blocks your vision and mine do not block God's. Unspoken words are as if uttered. Unrevealed thoughts are as if proclaimed. Unoccurred moments are as if they were history. He knows the future, the past, the hidden and the untold. Nothing is concealed from God. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present. I always knew that that was true, but I guess I just forgot about that. But it is true. If someone is making you mad and you want to tell them what you are thinking about them at that moment, even if you just thought about it but didnt do it. Its as if it were already said. ouch!

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