Monday, November 14, 2005

Its Not About Me chapter 3

Chapter 3: Divine Self-promotion

One glimpse [of God's glory], one taste, one sampling, and your faith will never be the same. (pg 25)

To seek God's glory is to pray "Let your nature spill forth. God, show us God" To ask to see God's glory is to ask to see all of God. (pg 26)

Glory- is a root word for heavy, weighty or IMPORTANT. God's glory celebrates his significance, his uniqueness, his one-of-a-kindness.

When you think of God's glory, think preeminence and when you think preeminence think priority. For God's glory is God's priority.

Think of the imagery that comes from this paragraph:

"God's staff meetings, if he had them, would revolve around one question 'How can we reveal my glory today?' God's to-do list consists of one item: 'Reveal my glory.' Heaven's framed and mounted purpose statement hansg in the angels' break room just above the angel food cake. It reads 'Declare God's glory" I totally got imagery from that. Did u guys? It was total imagery! That was cool!

Why do the heavens exist?? to declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1)

I love this verse. "Trust in your times of trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory (Psalm 50:15)

There was imagery of a pilot of a lifeboat. When you are drowning, the lifeboat comes to rescue yuo and the pilot says "I am here, I am strong, I have room for you. I can save you" (pg 30)

We need to promote God. We need to boast in the Lord. Think about this "God awoke you and me this morning for one purpose: Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples (1 Chronicles 16:24) (pg 31)

I will leave you with one last thing:

Why does the earth spin? For Him.
Why do you have talents and abilities? For Him.
Why do you have money or poverty? For Him
Why do you have strengths or struggles? For Him
Everything and everyone exists to reveal his glory.
Including you. (pg 32)

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