Monday, November 14, 2005

Its Not About Me chapter 2

Sorry, i am already behind, but i will write chapter 3 as well so i am up to date!!

When we ask to see a glimpse of God's glory, we cross a line when we make such a request. When our deepest desire is not the things of God, or a favor from God, but God himself, we cross a threshold. Less self-focus, more God-focus. Less about me, more about him! (pg 18) I just wrote a poem/song about that last night. I dont have it with me right now, but i will write it in tonight!

Just a glimpse of God's glory can change you forever!

Max was telling a story of when his uncle died and they were at his funeral. He was sad, everyone around him was upset. He looks at his dad and his dad says "its ok son" Max says "at that moment i realized something. I could look around and find fear, or look at my father and find faith"

So you can choose to look around at the pain of the world or you can choose to look at God's face and find happiness!

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