Monday, November 21, 2005

Its Not about Me chapter 9

Chapter 9: My Message is about Him

Max used an example of himself when he was young. He was an art guide. An art guides job is to lead the people to the paintings, answer their questions, and step out of the way. Such is our mission in life. To lead people to Jesus, answer their questions about him and step out of the way, but occasionally bump them in the right direction if they are straying. My youth pastor had mentioned this a while ago to the youth that her job is not to have all the answers. Her job is to lead us to the one who has all the answers. She is not God, so we should not be depending on her. We should be fully FULLY depending on God at ALL times! I think us as youth are finally grasping this and its awesome! I am so proud of all the youth at Refuge! I have seen all my friends grow more! I have a small close-knit group of friends and I have seen each one of them grow closer to God. I have seen all the youth at Refuge grow closer to God. And I totally give all the glory to God for that, and I want to thank Karyn, our youth pastor for leading us towards him instead of trying to do more than she can handle! I love ya Karyn!

Anyways... Back to the book..

Satan whispers the question in our heads "What are people thinking of you?" I hate that! It hinders too many people from being who they were made to be, because of that stupid question that gets in the way!

God doesnt need us to do his work, we are simply his messangers. When we do something for someone else, don't call attention to yourself! So important!

This last story in the chapter had a big impact. I will just type out the paragraph:

" A European village priest in medieval times once gathered his church for a special service 'Come tonight' he said, 'for a special sermon on Jesus' and they did. They came. To their surpise, however, no candles illuminated the santuary. They groped their way to the pews and took their seats. The priest was nowhere to be seen. But soon he was heard walking through the church toward the front. When he reached the crucifix that hung on the wall, he lit a candle. Saying nothing, he illuminated the pierced feet of Christ, then the side, then one hand, and then the other. Lifting the candle, he shed light on the blood-masked face and the crown of thorns. With a puff, he blew out the candle and dismissed the church.

May we do nothing more. May we do nothing less.

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